Are we playing the Senate version of Clue? I think it was McConnell with a douche...

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Most excellent rhymes. If I credit you may I use it just for Christmas Eve dinner about two hundred times?

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Not lately I would think.

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I have been wondering why I can't get some kind of filter that will remove news items. I can get alerts for items but I can't seem get the interwebs to understand I will not click on Sarah P stuff. Everday all day. I remember learning in rat psych class that repeated veiwing of anything will increase the postive response. I got used to Snookie I don't want to get used to the Palins .

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We call it "Joycing" in my house.

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She's in the news because she's famous / she's famous because she's is in the news. This isn't journalism, it's a symptom of the end times.

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I'd rather see her prance upon the hidden lance...

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Funny unless she wins the tug-of-war over the nuclear football on her first day.

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There is always that 1/3 that will vote for her even if she used puppies and kittens for target practice. 1/3 of America is brain damaged. I blame Lite beer.

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