"Sometimes he looks around and it’s still the 1980s..." 1984, to be precise.

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Was that speech on the Republican Home Shopping Network?

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Texas, it's a whole nuther country.

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I finally figured out all this hoo-ha about ''Gaston" apparently he is a character in the HORRID Disny ''Beauty and the Beat" shite. Doie sNOT appear in the orisginal story of other films versions.

Only good ''Beauty and the Beast" film is the one by Jean Cocteaus from 1946 with amazing special effects by Cocteau.

The Disney version, like most of Dsiney's excrement, is an insult to the orginal 1757 story ''La Belle et la Bête'' written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont , but moreso to the the great Cocteau film, one of the best films ever,.


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OT: CNN reporting Zelensky meeting with congress. Who's this Zelensky guY/

I know of a Zelenskyy, but that other guy nope.

If I was running that place (never happen) I would fire whoever did that, even if it was only the chyron writer. These are gettiing worse and worse everywhere, but especially at CNN.

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I know a word "getting" but what does "gettiing" mean?

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These idiots doing the chyrons are getting worse at it.

I accidentally typed ''There'' instead of ''These''

Fixed my typos...

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Look at it this way. 1989 was peak NY for TFG. He was living the high life in his golden condo, even as he was being shunned by the Manhattan elite. Something he's never gotten over, BTW. He didn't understand (and still doesn't) why he, an incredibly wealthy person with a classy wife, wasn't accepted into the best places in Manhattan by all the even more incredibly wealthy people who were the true movers and shakers of NY society.

See, here's the thing. TFG is from Queens. He's Bridge and Tunnel. He's an arriviste. Had he kept his head down, bought his way onto the right boards, been patient and bided his time, maybe he would have been grudgingly accepted. But that's not the route he chose. He's incapable of doing that. He's like an 800-pound gilt gorilla. It's why 90% of Manhattan voted for Hilary. Real NYers detest him.

No gilded apartment in Trump Tower, no fancy European hooker wife, no nothing he does will ever buy him acceptance by this crowd. So he's moved to Florida, where all they care about is your money. Nothing else matters. Apparently.

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"He was living the high life in his golden condo, even as he was being shunned by the Manhattan elite. Something he's never gotten over, BTW. He didn't understand (and still doesn't) why he, an incredibly wealthy person with a classy wife, wasn't accepted into the best places in Manhattan by all the even more incredibly wealthy people who were the true movers and shakers of NY society."


Those upper-uppers in the silk stocking district are clearly appalled by TFG, as they should be. They wouldn't let him empty their garbage cans, let alone befriend him.

It must eat him alive that he doesn't get invited to their stables in Peapack, or their summer houses in Vineyard Haven.

Of course, if the truth be known, most of the people he wants to impress also have a "Frederick Trump" in their families, but theirs are a few generations further back, and in the interim, most of them have burnished their image with charity (that they managed not to steal from) and good works.

Because Trump is not only deeply stupid but also a sociopath, he doesn't think anything he's ever said or done is wrong, so it's never occurred to him to say or do anything that would gain him even the most grudging acceptance.

It brings a smile to my flinty heart to picture that piece of shit swanning into society parties with his baggy, hemmed with a stapler suits and his mail order escort, pushing people out of his way and talking nonstop in that atrocious Queens accent about how much money he has, like a twelve year old boy showing everyone the rubbers in his wallet, and every single time, going home *completely at a loss* as to why everyone can't see how CLEEEEAASSY he is.

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Hey now? Bigoted much? You and the previous commenter are making way too big a deal of Trump coming from Queens, and whatever accent he has. You realise that a large part of this country HATES New York. Being bigoted about Queens should be beyond people here.

Yes, of course we here make comments about certain states, but we don't really believe every single citiizen from those states is bad, evn if we say that.

Yeah, Trump want to be in the high society of Manhattan. I'lll bet you maore people from other states have come to Manhattan to be famous. You could probably fill Central Parl with the arrivistes from Califorinia.

Just the number of great musicians in Queeen is impressive and runs the gamut from Tony Bennett to The Ramones to great jazz musicians like Fats Waller, Zoot Sims, Gerry Mulligan and Cecil Taylor, For thoise of you who love musicals, there is composer Richard Rodgers who co-wrote 43 musicals and over 900 songs which made their way to Broadway in that outer bridge and tunnel borough* of Manhatten

Look, I have no skin in this game, as I live in Central New York state, over 200 miles from all of NYC. But to insult Queens just because the worst presidnet in the history of the country came from there is disingenuous.

And the sentence from you cohort above ''It's why 90% of Manhattan voted for Hilary. Real NYers detest him" REAL NYers? That's bigoted. Period. Whether you like it or not, all of the boroughs are part of the City of New York.

And I will remind you that Hilary Clinton and husband are carpetbaggers, so do you hate them there Arkansas hicks for that? I don't. I voted for her for senator and even met her, but NOT in Manhattan. Also she and Bill were friends of Trump at one time and there are shitloads of pice to prove that.

And it works the other way. There are many peopele in NY state who hate NYC. I am not one of them. I was there on the 3rd and 4th of this month (East Village), and the first time I was there was when I was 8 years old, to go to the World;s Fair in SHOCK! Queens (we did stay at a hotel in Manhattan).

Meanwhile up here we don't want Manhattan to send any more preppies from Dalton or whetever the boys' equivalent on the UES is to kill fellow students at frat parties (true). But in my saying this, I have a friend who went to Dalton and now works threre ans somhow escaped the preppie-to-Greek pipeline.

So while you are worrying about Trump not being able to prove he's CLEEEEAASSY, you are showing you ceratinly are not either.

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Oh, hey now.

I couldn't be more Bridge and Tunnel if I tried. I'm from Brooklyn. Yo! Represent! I still speak Brooklynese, even though when I moved to California, I worked very hard to ditch my accent, because it was off-putting to so many people out here. Now that I'm not working, it's baaaack. The attitude, however, never left.

I moved to Manhattan as an adult. I truly don't care about society or any of that milieu. How could I? Went to a state school and graduated debt-free, thankyouverymuch.

The point of my post was not to denigrate Queens (my beloved DH is from Queens, grew up in the shadow of Flushing Meadows), but to attempt to explain the pathology of TFG. But, hey, I'll go along with Tess. Deeply stupid and a sociopath. Totally works.

He's born and raised in an outer boro, blows into Manhattan with all his money and no class (unless you count low class) and is promptly shunned by the people he's most desperate to be accepted by. And he might have been, had he not built gilt monuments to himself everywhere, palled around with disreputable people (Jeffrey Epstein, Roy Cohn) and generally acted like a rude, impolite POS).

In this context, it doesn't matter that the rest of the country hates NY. That's not what's under discussion. In fact, NYC tried to secede from the state when I was living there. We were joking, sort of.

It's that NY hates TFG and why. And why TFG has left NY for the warmer climes of Florida, where he and his money are welcomed with open arms.

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"You and the previous commenter are making way too big a deal of Trump coming from Queens, and whatever accent he has"


OK, first of all, no pretensions to class here at Stately Tess Manor. Dad drove a truck, and all four grandparents had the kind of shitty sweatshop jobs they give immigrants, because no one else will do them. I was born in NEWARK, if you please, and raised in northern New Jersey my whole life, which is how I know the phonetic pronunciation of CLEEEEAASSY. While my birth accent enables me to do a near-perfect Fran Drescher imitation, it does not, I can assure you, enable an entree into high society.

MY opinion of people from Queens is irrelevant. *SPECIFICALLY IN THE CONTEXT OF WHY THE UPPER UPPERS* think Trump has the class of a hyena, THEIR opinion of his accent is incontrovertibly one of many factors. But trust me, they would loathe him if he spoke like a BBC announcer, too.

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First of all I was not assuming that you or the other person was putting on airs. While I may have grown up a little better than you, my family was and never has been rolling in the dough. As it is now it is only me - period. NO relatives to speak of.

Maybe I misread the comments. It is just that I am SO pissed off that everybody seems to be fighting everyboday else, and Wall Street and Deutsche Bank and their ilk are laughing their fool heads off how they have helped these situations, along with Trump,

Don't know you age, but my friend's' uncle used to work for The Bronx government had to deal with Trump back in the 1960's! and he told my friend that PAB was the stupidedt, mosr vile, and most corrupt, person back then. I knew it since the 1980s.

It begs the question, how many millioins were not paying attention to him to have let him start on the road to destroing the entire country?

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Your first comment reminded me of a former manager who used to say, "It's ridiculous to dislike me for superficial reasons, when, if you REALLY got to know me, you'd find so many more SUBSTANTIVE reasons to dislike me."

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I couldn’t like this comment more if I’d written it myself.

Nice job!

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We’d take visiting out-of-towners by the Trump Tower just to show them how unbelievably schlocky it is. Always proved for an easy laugh.

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Ta, Evan. I'd say I'm amazed, but I'm not. Nor am I shocked. Just sick of this shit, and willing it to end. Preferably, Trump would end (or end up in prison), but I'd content myself with his voters and party losing any power they have.

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I would say that a good half of the people I know who are over 70 think it is still the 80s. Or, rather, their notions of how the world works were solidified in the 80s, and they have not changed them since.

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Defendant "day one dictator" Trump was speaking to the Young Republicans you say?


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Nice to see that clip. But unfortunately the career of the vile, nasty, never funny Chevy Chase did not end after SNL, At least his leaving brought in the superior Bill Murray.

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Courage appears to be relative…

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LOL, he wants his mouthbreather fans to believe an actual general would tell him getting onstage with Hillary was "courageous."

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I figured that we as a country, were in trouble when people thought he said anything intelligent when he 'debated' Clinton.

Still confounds me... Apparently our education system has needed an overhaul for a long, long time.

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Just SAD! isn't it?

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Um, also Dallas is in our country.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. I'd LIKE for TX to secede, but so far that's just a bunch of happy talk.

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I wish Texas secession would fix what’s wrong with this country.

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Not secession: expulsion.

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Or divide it into north Texas, Dallas, and south Texas, Houston. Then we’d have a 2-2 tie of D and R senators. Divide CA the same way.

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I think we should send them back to México. That would actully help the citizens of Tejas as abortion is LEGAL in México!

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Hey, ya gotta start somewhere.

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Well, we'd get rid of 2 permanent Repuke senators AND a lot of Electoral College votes, and quite a few gross members of the House, so they'd probably never win the presidency again. It would definitely be a good start!

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Good points! No more Ted Cruz!

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Not to mention the outsized influence they have on how schoolbooks are written.

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I can still generate roughly 800 lumens (equivalent to the output of a 60 watt bulb) from incandescent rage when reminded of that goon looming over former Secretary of State Clinton and stalking her in a blindingly obvious attempt at intimidation, AND NOTHING WAS DONE ABOUT IT. That sort of simian dominance display has no place in a political debate and it should have sunk his candidacy then and there. I don't know about you, but I seriously feared for Ms. Clinton's safety, and doubted that anything much would have been done if he'd escalated his aggression up just one more notch and became violent. Attempted rape live onstage would probably not have been a concern for his droolers.

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He's living in his own fantasy world, where generals and dictators bow to him. Where he is a hot ticket and not a hot mess.

He always wanted so badly to be part of the NYC upper crust back in the 1980s, and they wouldn't have anything to do with him, and now we're paying the price.

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Donnie the Hot Mess. I like that!

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Partial false memory in Dearest Leader's mind. Setting: Cocktail party in NYC circa 1999.


Allen Weisselberg: You know who that is over there Mr. (future Dearest Leader)??? That's Letitia James, the greatest, brightest, up and coming attorney you will ever see on Earth. Within 48 hours of graduation from law school back in '89, she got hired to go after Exxon. After a week in the courtroom, she got Exxon to pay all the money to clean up their mess in Alaska and forced Exxon to go into exile to Texas. She'll be someone to watch in the future.

Future Dearest Leader: Everyone in the City comes to me sooner or later for a favor. She'll be no different. When you go back to the office tomorrow, move some assets around so I don't have to pay Marla any money after the divorce becomes final.

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Regarding the ExxonMobil bullshit, I'd like someone to ask him what SOCONY is....

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Standard Oil Company of New York

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I’d be surprised if he remembers Exxon used to be Esso.

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