Whatever happened to the concept of honorable public service? It seems to be obligatory for Republicans to do nothing but go around airing their personal grievances and making asses of themselves instead of actually doing their jobs. Well, at least they're doing their level best to ensure that 2024 is going to be a blowout election year in favor of the Democrats.
As a native son of Cheddar Farts, I resent the smear that Derwood von Ornery is from our small, but proud, town. I believe he is from the greater Cowtip area. I just wanted to set the record straight. Go Farters!
Dude, lay off the Brandy Manhattans in the morning is not a bar in Appleton its Congress, or at least it used to be. See what Matt is snorting maybe that will chill you out
Adding to the, "If I did that at my job..." list, how about showing naked pics and vids of young girls on your phone to the other guys at work, while you're working.
Not treasonous really, he didn't enter the capitol or even urge anyone to attack. The POS did sit back and enjoy the spectacle after running a campaign touting his veteran creds and swearing that his oath to defend the constitution will never expire.
The Politico story doesn't provide any details, does anybody know exactly what his beef was? Not that it would excuse anything but I can't tell what he was upset *about*.
are there no standards of behaviour? like, enforceable ones?
And of course we all know that, for the very reasons highlighted in this article, his voters will be scrambling to re-elect him.
they’re missing him back on the old cheese farm …
Love your username
Whatever happened to the concept of honorable public service? It seems to be obligatory for Republicans to do nothing but go around airing their personal grievances and making asses of themselves instead of actually doing their jobs. Well, at least they're doing their level best to ensure that 2024 is going to be a blowout election year in favor of the Democrats.
As a native son of Cheddar Farts, I resent the smear that Derwood von Ornery is from our small, but proud, town. I believe he is from the greater Cowtip area. I just wanted to set the record straight. Go Farters!
The Fightin' Farters!
If my farts ever start fighting, it'll be time to see a doctor.
If I hadn't moved away from Wisconsin, this douchbag would be my rep. And it's safe to assume he's a drunk.
Derrick Van Ordure
"Little Man Syndrome on the move"
[Sigh] not again.
If you or I did something similar at a meeting or presentation, we’d be looking for another job.
Fire his ass, Wisconsin.
We are trying, but we couldn't even kick Ron Johnson's ass out of the Senate last year. :(
We want to. But we're the most gerrymandered state in the country.
“Wake the fuck up, you little shits!”
These are the exact words I use to motivate underlings who are, in my eyes, underperforming their duties. I'm such a good manager of human capital.
They look a bit disgruntled; I think they need more motivating.
Same here, except I use it to motivate my introductory classes. No wonder I get such good teaching evaluations from them. /humour
I'm sorry, but sometimes a punch in the mouth is what's needed!
He and Kavanaugh ought to go out drinking together. I'm sure they would be the talk of the town.
Or the talk of the drunk tank.
Dude, lay off the Brandy Manhattans in the morning is not a bar in Appleton its Congress, or at least it used to be. See what Matt is snorting maybe that will chill you out
Like Matt would share a couple of lines with anybody over 17.
Adding to the, "If I did that at my job..." list, how about showing naked pics and vids of young girls on your phone to the other guys at work, while you're working.
I didn't remember the name, although I'd read about the pages. Somehow I missed the fact that he is also a treasonous pos.
Not treasonous really, he didn't enter the capitol or even urge anyone to attack. The POS did sit back and enjoy the spectacle after running a campaign touting his veteran creds and swearing that his oath to defend the constitution will never expire.
Not actively treasonous then.
Not an active member of the treason caucus. More of a social member.
Maybe he heard something he didn’t like. Maybe they brought up some Trump-related factors?
The briefer veered away from Revelation, and Congressman Cheddar Farts got all holier-than-thou on him.
Alcohol may have been involved.
The disclaimer at the end of so many Darwin Award stories.
The Politico story doesn't provide any details, does anybody know exactly what his beef was? Not that it would excuse anything but I can't tell what he was upset *about*.
They presented facts that didn't line up with the made up stuff he wants to be true.
Probably left out a Horseman.