Angry Little Wisconsin GOP Rep. Derrick Van Orden Had Another One Of His Incidents Yesterday
Bless his heart.
A few weeks back we laughed and laughed at a new Big Man on the block, a Little Man Syndrome on the move, an unaccomplished white Republican who erroneously believes he’s entitled to deference and respect simply because he clears his throat. Bless the heart of GOP Rep. Derrick Van Orden of Wisconsin.
Van Orden, a man who once verbally abused a teenage worker at a library because he was upset about a book about Mike Pence’s bunny rabbit being gay, was in the news because he had verbally abused teenagers in the congressional page program. He was apparently very upset they were taking pictures of the rotunda while lying down and looking up at it.
It was their last week.
This dude has very obvious anger and masculinity issues.
So he just started screaming and cussing and throwing blocks of cheese or whatever Republican Wisconsin guys do when they are BIG MAD. “Wake the fuck up, you little shits!” Alcohol was reportedly possibly involved.
Anyway, it’s pretty clear from that incident that everybody hates this loser, including the people on his side of the aisle, so when he struck again yesterday in an Israel briefing provided to Congress by the Biden administration, Politico had the story in record time.
Ohhhhhh, it sounds like he really acted out and showed everybody his tailfeathers.
Big man was cussin’ again. He was belligerent.
Several people said Van Orden cursed directly at the briefers, prompting loud boos in the room. One person in the room said Van Orden shouted that the briefers’ presentation was “pathetic.” Another attendee described it as “offensive and inappropriate.”
Dang, was it five o’clock somewhere, or was it just mid-morning? Just asking.
Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota reportedly tried to get Van Orden to put his Little Man Syndrome back in his pants, shouting “Shame on you.” Van Orden cussed Phillips, who is Jewish, with the F-word. Afterward, Rep. Jason Crow apologized to the briefers for the behavior of the little petulant shit.
“He was rude and attacked the presenters. I thought they had very substantive things to say. But he just had this blanket attack saying that ‘this is the worst information I've ever had,’” said Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.). “And basically attacking them for being incompetent.”
LMAO, what kind of “information” does the loser congressman from Cheddar Farts, Wisconsin, think he’s accustomed to getting?
What a big man. Big white man BIG MAD! Awww. Bet he wants his country back. Too bad he ain’t never gonna get it.
Politico says Mr. Temper and his big tantrums were hot gossip in the closed-door Democratic caucus meeting afterward. Some people were trying to figure out who he was, we guess because he’s not really very famous or important.
In summary and in conclusion, JoeMyGod shares this tweet and picture reminding us all of the time Big Man was present at the Capitol during the January 6 terrorist attacks. He wasn’t there on the American side.
Big man! Biiiiig man!
What a little bitch.
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After my heart attack in May, I was 228 lbs. Today, I am 211 lbs. I now weigh less than the orange traitor, who is famous for his sculpted and muscular frame. So, I guess I'm pretty much Ryan Gosling now.
"This is NOTHING like the fancy debriefings I get from my Kremlin handlers!"