I once looked out a 20th floor window in downtown Chicago after a short but torrential rainfall and saw a rainbow <i>below</i> me! Lasted only a few seconds, and has nothing to anything, but it was <i>amazing</i>, and OPEN THREAD and this is my first non-comment to Substack Wonkette!
I'm guessing they are also part of the "Leprechauns are evil Satanists" movement who hate the fact that Leprechauns have to go and hide their pots of gold at the end of gay rainbows.
Mr. Sabatini needs a refresher course in the Book of Genesis where God pointedly uses a rainbow "as a covenant between" God and man. Maybe Mr. S should have a word with God about 🌈 🌈 🌈 .
Well now I'm feeling a touch as skeered as a right winger!
I got a thing in my snail mail offering me a FREE subscription for LIFE to Imprimis.
This is a publication from Hillsdale College. 2 creepy things about it ... an overemphasis on being for "liberty" and the fact that one of its famous alumni is Erik Prince. (patooie!)
You should be able to edit your post by clicking on the three dots after it and selecting "edit". I'm a gonna check it out right now. ......Yes that does the trick!
Well now I'm feeling a touch as skeered as a right winger!
I got a thing in my snail mail offering me a FREE subscription for LIFE to Imprimis.
This is a publication from Hillsdale College. 2 creepy things about it ... an overemphasis on being for "liberty" and the fact that one of it's famous alumni is Erik Prince. (patooie!)
Sabatini isn't going anywhere. Presumably he'll be running in the solidly blue 10th District...so solid it elected crypto-stooge and Likud-loyalist Maxwell Fraud, err, Frost. Sab's best option, now that DeSatan is an announced presidential candidate, is to lobby the state lege to remove him from office (as per the state constitution) and run for the office, so he can use these guys to realize his homophobic wet dream: "A Florida state guard established by the rightwing governor, Ron DeSantis, under the guise of a civilian disaster relief force is instead being trained as an armed, combat-ready militia under his personal command, according to military veteran recruits who have quit the program."
The DNC should just abandon the entire state to the GOP. Between Mother Nature (climate change), fascistic Republicans and their culture wars, the war on Disney (among other businesses), and the collapse of the property-insurance industry*, human life in the Sunshine State is becoming less sustainable, year by year, hurricane by hurricane, and election by (Jim Crow) election anyway.
Newsflash: The DNC wrote off any number of states decades ago: WY, ID, ND, SD, SC, OK, NE, WV, AL, MS, LA, AR, just to name the most prominent. And the DNC, mostly through incompetent vetting of candidates, embarrass themselves every cycle by losing high-profile, BIG $$$ elections in red states: Crist/Demmings - FL; O'Rourke - TX (twice); McGrath - KY; Ryan - OH; McAuliffe -VA (a putatively blue state); Jones - AL; Busch-Valentine - MO; Beaseley - NC; Barnes - WI; Abrams - GA; Cunningham - SC.
And do you really need to be reminded how the DCCC, under the leadership of former-Rep. Sean Maloney, was clever enough to lose nine seats (and control of the House) in solidly blue districts (CA; NY, including Maloney's)?
One can make excuses for the DP, mostly by scapegoating Sanders, the Greens, the socialist left, Millennials, etc. Or, one can look for reasons, starting with the DNC having deliberately become the official (since 2006) Party of Wall Street (mostly financial services), and just as deliberately abandoning the working class*, by trying to replace class war ("It's the economy, stupid") with identity politics ("Look at our pretty rainbow!").
I don't know, with all the shit that's falling down on Florida, the voters there might want to try a form a governance that isn't exclusively about browbeating the people who make DeSantis uncomfortable in a way that a good psychiatrist could spend a decade uncovering. That would not mean any Republican of any type, anywhere, anyhow. So, Dems should hang in, maybe.
I once looked out a 20th floor window in downtown Chicago after a short but torrential rainfall and saw a rainbow <i>below</i> me! Lasted only a few seconds, and has nothing to anything, but it was <i>amazing</i>, and OPEN THREAD and this is my first non-comment to Substack Wonkette!
Alas, editing after the fact does not appear to be a perfected feature yet.
She's a rainbow:
There are a helluva lot of gay Christians out there, so this guy's "logic" is clearly flawed.
I'm guessing they are also part of the "Leprechauns are evil Satanists" movement who hate the fact that Leprechauns have to go and hide their pots of gold at the end of gay rainbows.
I worked at a movie theater long ago.
This earworm got stuck in my head and pops up everytime "songs about rainbows" are mentioned.
Also, bear left.
Noah looked upon God's promise, and spoke, "Rainbows trigger me, thus I shall go swimming. Later, freaks.
Mr. Sabatini needs a refresher course in the Book of Genesis where God pointedly uses a rainbow "as a covenant between" God and man. Maybe Mr. S should have a word with God about 🌈 🌈 🌈 .
Well now I'm feeling a touch as skeered as a right winger!
I got a thing in my snail mail offering me a FREE subscription for LIFE to Imprimis.
This is a publication from Hillsdale College. 2 creepy things about it ... an overemphasis on being for "liberty" and the fact that one of its famous alumni is Erik Prince. (patooie!)
Why me?
Apology for the double post. I had to correct "it's" before my spouse ever hears of it.
You should be able to edit your post by clicking on the three dots after it and selecting "edit". I'm a gonna check it out right now. ......Yes that does the trick!
Well now I'm feeling a touch as skeered as a right winger!
I got a thing in my snail mail offering me a FREE subscription for LIFE to Imprimis.
This is a publication from Hillsdale College. 2 creepy things about it ... an overemphasis on being for "liberty" and the fact that one of it's famous alumni is Erik Prince. (patooie!)
Why me?
I believe the replacement colors are primer gray or any camouflage pattern not involving fuchsia or puce.
Those CO-EXIST bumperstickers must really mess with them.
Another poor, frightened right wing snowflake.
It’s the electorate.
I'm just gonna cut and paste this because maybe I could have "restacked quote" but WTF does that really mean?
“Or worse, more impotently, I hear people say ‘I just don’t shop during Pride Month. You know. I just don’t shop. I should just avoid that.’ Right.
So did the asshole really say more impotently, because he's telling on his people.
Sabatini isn't going anywhere. Presumably he'll be running in the solidly blue 10th District...so solid it elected crypto-stooge and Likud-loyalist Maxwell Fraud, err, Frost. Sab's best option, now that DeSatan is an announced presidential candidate, is to lobby the state lege to remove him from office (as per the state constitution) and run for the office, so he can use these guys to realize his homophobic wet dream: "A Florida state guard established by the rightwing governor, Ron DeSantis, under the guise of a civilian disaster relief force is instead being trained as an armed, combat-ready militia under his personal command, according to military veteran recruits who have quit the program."
The DNC should just abandon the entire state to the GOP. Between Mother Nature (climate change), fascistic Republicans and their culture wars, the war on Disney (among other businesses), and the collapse of the property-insurance industry*, human life in the Sunshine State is becoming less sustainable, year by year, hurricane by hurricane, and election by (Jim Crow) election anyway.
I have never been a fan of not fighting.
Never abandon a state.
Newsflash: The DNC wrote off any number of states decades ago: WY, ID, ND, SD, SC, OK, NE, WV, AL, MS, LA, AR, just to name the most prominent. And the DNC, mostly through incompetent vetting of candidates, embarrass themselves every cycle by losing high-profile, BIG $$$ elections in red states: Crist/Demmings - FL; O'Rourke - TX (twice); McGrath - KY; Ryan - OH; McAuliffe -VA (a putatively blue state); Jones - AL; Busch-Valentine - MO; Beaseley - NC; Barnes - WI; Abrams - GA; Cunningham - SC.
And do you really need to be reminded how the DCCC, under the leadership of former-Rep. Sean Maloney, was clever enough to lose nine seats (and control of the House) in solidly blue districts (CA; NY, including Maloney's)?
One can make excuses for the DP, mostly by scapegoating Sanders, the Greens, the socialist left, Millennials, etc. Or, one can look for reasons, starting with the DNC having deliberately become the official (since 2006) Party of Wall Street (mostly financial services), and just as deliberately abandoning the working class*, by trying to replace class war ("It's the economy, stupid") with identity politics ("Look at our pretty rainbow!").
*A process that began here: https://www.lawcha.org/2016/11/23/bill-clinton-remade-democratic-party-abandoning-unions-working-class-whites/
So Maxwell Frost is too right wing for you? And the Dems should just give up on Florida? Glad you're not in charge of anything.
I don't know, with all the shit that's falling down on Florida, the voters there might want to try a form a governance that isn't exclusively about browbeating the people who make DeSantis uncomfortable in a way that a good psychiatrist could spend a decade uncovering. That would not mean any Republican of any type, anywhere, anyhow. So, Dems should hang in, maybe.
Are we going to do a pool on how long until Sabatini's grindr account surfaces?