duuuuuun. duun. ;)

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Oh, a Baywatch era Pam Anderson isn't nearly enough for these chucklefucks. She needs at least the following credentials to be worthy of a mighty Incel. - an innocent virgin who's expert in any kind of sex he feels like trying - instantly hot to trot when he wants it, but doesn't "bother" him any other time - has multiple screaming orgasms from 90 seconds of inept thrusting and no foreplay - doesn't work because every second of her time is spent devoted to serving him (and women get Uppity when they have their own money), but doesn't drain his "resources" with nonsense like food and clothing - always impeccably turned out and in great shape, but not "high maintenance" - dresses and acts exactly the right amount of slutty; enough that other men are jealous of him, but not enough to suggest she's interested in other men - bears and nurtures his children without causing the slightest change in his lifestyle, such as spending time on the baby instead of him or increasing the household expenses - never changes her body shape in any way, unless to match the prevailing definition of "hot". Of course this includes during pregnancy. - never ages

I'm pretty sure that list isn't comprehensive, btw.

These cave dwellers pretend to themselves that such women are actually out there, but they're unfairly all banging "Chad" instead of being equitably distributed among discontented sociopaths as God intended.

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"Beta" runs pretty close.

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"One 2016 survey found that one in six Utah women said they were raped, “higher than the national average”."

Wait - a state that's the world centre of a heavily patriarchal and misogynist religion originally founded on forced polygamy, has an unusually high rate of rape? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


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Cishet males who are functioning human beings have no trouble finding female romantic partners, because they treat female romantic partners as actual thinking human beings with inherent worth and dignity. Weird, huh?

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And they give you a combined raging case of athlete's foot and toenail fungus.

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Yep, one door down from the Booger Sugar Gang Bang.

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Seymour Butts also ordered a couple of tickies.

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There's an old joke like that which ends with, "Robot, jerk it off."

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"claiming that the end of Roe is a liberating thing for women because now they're free to reach fully equal human rights to [checks notes] 'care for and nurture others.'"

Yeah, and poor people are "free" to sleep under bridges and steal bread.

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Don't make me tap the Frank Wilhoit quote again.

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Sharks photographed upside down:https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Meanwhile, The Grey Lady NYT has a sympathetic article about ant-abortion young women, many of whom were "called by God" to attack abortion rights and none of whom were, or ever will be, forced to have an abortion, while they gladly condemn other women to enduring pregnancies they don't want. Maybe some fucking social media platform can connect these misogynist males and God-bothering females; they deserve each other.

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Bob?The guy with the pleasure saucers?I'm good with that.

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"well, there's not that many of them TBH"Literally anybody: So if it's such a small number, why can't you make an exception for them?This person: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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