you would think that stat would be enough to convince them to get vaxxed, but they will just say that stat is part of the plot by doctor fauci and the chinese communist party to truck them into getting vaxxed or somehow control them?

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No, everyone knows that the men are blameless - indeed women often can make themselves pregnant through witch craft

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Or witch trials

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Mainline Protestants still aren't really opposed to abortion

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This guy probably personally wants the cast the first stone at a 12 year old girl being executed for having an abortion

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No one has an abortion for funsies. Its necessary. You could call it a necessary evil if you want but I consider it a necessary neutral.

Why on Earth would an omniscient God ensoul that little knot of cells if she knows it'll be lost, through either the very common natural or rather uncommon artificial processes.

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You know this guy probably wants to personally cast the first stone at women or girls who get abortions. Or maybe he favors a "less traditional" means of execution - but I still get the feeling this "pro-life" guy wants hands on involvement in the killings

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I'd definitely rather that this particular clown spend his time doodling dragons than doing what the loonier members of the forced life brigade do.

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I think that all of our currency has to be ugly BY LAW.

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Oh boy. See if you can follow this. Anti-abortion people say just because it's your body you don't have the right to chose. But when it comes to the vax and masks, the big rally cry now is "my body, my choice"!!! It's amazing how logical they are.

I'll make em a deal. They can execute people who get an abortion if we can execute those who refuse to get vaxed or wear a mask. Seems fair to me.

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Yeah, pro-life except for spreading covid, executing women who abort, or really anyone else they don't like. I prefer the term anti-abortion or anti-life.

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I know some grumbling teetotalers who'd like to foist it on the nation again someday!

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Actually, he wouldn't.

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Don't forget all the wars fought over oil. Gotta protect America's interests.

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That's for shirr.

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In the long run it is.

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