Considering how I feel about cops...

Please continue remaining maskless!

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It sure is! After you fire them, they will be armed and trained cadres of the far-right who will then, jobless, no longer have any obstacle to engaging in political violence! Enjoy! Also enjoy the criminal scum inhabiting the streets who continue will dunk their ballbags all over the faces of the hapless citizenry who elected the leftists in the first place.

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This should go over like 99 lead balloons

Another instance of reading a Wonkette article without discerning the byline and immediately knowing who wrote it. You, Evan, Robyn, Liz, etc., all have your unique snark style.

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Here in Western Australia, the Premier has issued a mandate on who has to show proof of vaccination in order to work. It covers 75% of the state's work force. My union mass e-mailed members yesterday to confirm that, under public health legislation passed in 2016, the mandate is legal.

The list covers all State Government employees - that's the vast majority of hospital workers, teachers and everybody so much as vaguely connected with the justice system (workers at private hospitals and schools, and self-employed health and education workers are covered separately). All staff at courthouses, licensing centres, the admin centre for the education department, everyone at Parliament house including elected officials. Public transit staff. Rubbish truck drivers. Absolutely anybody who draws a paycheck from, or is contracted to, the State or local government.

Does it stop there? No, it does not! Taxi drivers. Construction workers. Basically anyone who interacts with the public for their work. It's a thing of fucking beauty. Anti-vaxxers in our state about to go through some bad stuff.

Here's the link, if you want to be envious. Our Premier ROCKS. https://www.wa.gov.au/organ...

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That top cartoon is GOLD.

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Gonna miss that paycheck too.

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A LOT of cops are white supremacists and fascists. Of COURSE they will refuse to follow any public health measures.1. They have "superior genes" and have a need to prove it by NOT getting vaccinated.2. They won't wear masks or otherwise follow safety procedures in public because they're afraid it makes them look weak.3. Defying authority makes them feel macho.These behaviors are all very strongly associated with white supremacy and fascism.

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Not necessarily. If they quit a big city force with a mandate, in many places they might get hired in a jerkwater town elsewhere.

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The Republicans are thugs, so thugs will stand up for thugs.

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Or just limit them to Staten Island...

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May the Big Nickel land on top of them hard!

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The skull reminds them of what they love to bust.

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But then they would just kick out people trying to get vaccinated, and women who want birth control, and black people just because, well, black people.

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Mr Binky & I are vacationing in Az next week, and he gave me a dress code: none of my leftist t-shirts allowed. He doesn't want me to get berated/harassed.

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Well, in the case of Rectum, it came about because Crime Warner Cable merged with Sharter* Communications, so it wasn't just a re-branding, it was the merging of the terrible with the worse.

The new company is so bad that the person who came up with the Rectum name here is a very nice and religious woman I used to work with. For HER to come up with that shows just how badly everybody feels about them.I came up with Sharter.


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And it gave many cops their motto - "a bit of the old ultraviolence"...

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