There's a lesser-known book by a scifi author where the main character admits to moving to Ireland just for the tax breaks....

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I still remember when I served in the Army and was stationed in South Korea - most foreign nationals working abroad don't have to pay U.S. taxes (or not until they reach a certain amount or something - I don't know because I never made enough), but we soldiers had to pay U.S. taxes despite the fact that we were serving our country and that as a Private, I made like $2 per month (not really, but it wasn't much). Meanwhile, Trump lives in the U.S. and doesn't pay any taxes. I don't mind taxes - we need to pool our resources for the common good - but they need to be fair!

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Aren't they all kept busy greenskeeping at Doonbeg?

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What other "sense" would we expect?

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Money always rots the issues. Ireland does well letting apple park their horses there. If you ask why then your a cluless fuk.

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Leprechauns and trolls.

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If Apple had to pay one half percent of one half percent they would still complain they paid to much in taxes. 0% is what they strive for and it is what trump will give them in the end.

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... nonetheless my next computer is still gonna be a Mac Pro.

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Aye, ye're a few hours late out o'port, ye lubber.

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How wonderful!!!

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There was this one dude who said “I owed over $100,000 in back taxes” and I was like “holy fuck, why didn’t you pay your fucking taxes?”

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The wealthy are highway robbers. Locally, money is given (given!) to wealthy individuals who are saying they are into development. What they are developing is cash streams. There's truth to the old axiom that behind every great fortune in great crime.

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What a fun story. BTW, have you ever watched the Tracy Ullmann show? She does amazing impersonations of Royal Family members, Angela Merkle, and other luminaries...and is a great comic actress!

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Same approach as not voting for Hillary.

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If only they had spots so they were easier to identify.

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Apple's argument: We don't pay taxes in our OWN country. Why the fuck would we pay them in yours?

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