So, Jesse, I'm guessing you're not an iFanboy.

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Doesn't it come with the external battery backpack?

Only 40 pounds, I hear...

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Also: if the 80's taught us anything, it is that large dorky watches are extremely hip and sexy.

OFC, those ones didn't have an Apple logo on them...

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Dear Apple,

Please stop calling this an iWatch.

-- Voyeurs Anonymous

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iDon't care.

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Samsung, and Motorola, and LG, and Sony, and others.

Apple does little that's genuinely innovative. They're just really good at convincing people their stuff is better designed.

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I think that you've hit the core of the problem.

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I have no apple products whatsoever- this isn't going to change anything. You know, we like to bash MS as the evil empire, but what was Steve Jobs obsessed with when he died? Getting the windows in his $5 billion headquarters "just right". What is Bill Gates obsessed with? Spending at least $30 billion so far on charitable donations. So, while MS products are expensive, a fair chunk goes to third world aid. It's like taxation on the first world for foreign aid which first world countries refuse to give (including Canada with Dear Leader Stephen Harper at the helm).

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"why has that weird old coot been walking in circles for the past three hours?"

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