you just do the best methodology you can come up with and publish the results

No, no you do not! This is NOT how that works! There's all manners of things that come between "collect data" and "publish results"Jesus FUCK

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That is why the right wing said thatSo that when the actual bias becomes clear, they can go "SEEEE? You're just like Republicans!"They've been in bed with each other since the jump

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$2.99 a pound! That's plum crazy!

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Avian flu has hit both the chicken and the egg businesses hard.

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Wonkette gets my money, not NYT. Ta, Dok.

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It's the pits, I tell ya!

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I was an English major and *I* know better. Jesus FUCK indeed!

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Late to the non-comments party, but once again it bears repeating:


Fuck 'em.

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I couldn't figure out how to embed the video, so you have to scroll down, but DeSantis' latest ad is completely batshit.


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AKA "the pennysaver of the upper east side."

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I have a feeling there were a number papers that wish theyh could rewrite their headlines ... of course, the biggest blunder was...LOL https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Did anyone notice that in an article on GOP dissatisfaction with Trump today, the NYT quoted Mike Cernovitch and described him simply as a conservative voice?

When did an alt-rightnik Pizzagate conspiracy theorist become "conservative"? Fascist or fascist-lite would be closer to the mark. The NYT has been going into a disturbing pattern of normalizing right wing extremism lately.

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I'm vacillating between Elvis Costello and Billy Joel. I'm pretty sure it would be worth $8/ month to be either one.

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the major media corporations that survived the coming of the internet were able to do so because they spin useful narratives for their owners.

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could never really appreciate a guy who writes “gusts of november remembered”, just sets my teeth to grind …

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