I maneuvered into my free-weight workout this morning, then maneuvered into the kitchen for some coffee. I maneuvered a bit in some blogs (this one and the Commie Fascist Groomer Pedophile Teacher Blog I like), then maneuvered my bike togs on and maneuvered my bike to school.
I maneuvered and maneuvered. Maneuver, maneuver, then maneuver.
You are evil incarnate... The mere thought of " youthful 77-year-old raging cum-stallion Donald Trump" made me laugh so hard I choked on my coffee spat some out on my shirt front.
Who calls sneakers "tennis shoes" these days, anyway? And Kamala wears Converse like a badass. Has everyone forgotten Trump's almost disasters when he's trying to walk down a ramp?
Hell, I've worn flip-flops (we all them THONGS, BTW, here in the PNW) for the most of the last 20 years. I even have furry ones for winter (thanx LL Bean). Footware doesn't mean squat.
I love it how Biden tripping over something anyone else on the planet would trip over has turned into him having to work on his balance. Because obviously it's his age that's at fault, and not some hungover dipshit cadet who received their instructions at full volume, for 30 minutes straight.
Last night I finally got called for a political poll. I think it was done for RWNJ Beth Van Duyne because the questions about her were friendly, while the ones about Biden were nasty. Also, I work on balance improvement exercises at the gym, but I think my problem is I am built like an apply on toothpicks.
Considering what we find out about presidents after the fact, I would be amazed if other prezzes didn't have fitness routines we were not made aware of.
"Recent research has given us insight into the importance of mobility and balance as we age. Mobility is one of the keys to healthy aging. And recently, researchers found that the ability to balance can indicate longevity for older adults."
Yup. Ask any PT and you'll hear that as you cross over that 60 line, you should work on one-leg standing drills and balance exercises, in addition to strength and cardio.
The fact that President Biden works on balance and strength is a Good Thing and far more likely to help keep his body and mind from deterioration than riding in a golf cart to the next hole and celebrating your cheating score with a burger and fries.
I put my socks on standing up, trying to make each sock go all the way on before I put that foot down. I also do the sit-down from full-stand, and full-stand back up, trying to avoid using hand, elbow, or knee to assist (I almost always need to roll on one knee to get up, only once managing to spring up with zero assist, but I was told that one or two assists is fine, it's just three or more that are a worrying sign).
"Then it starts talking about Joe Biden being old again."
Wait, you mean he's *still* old? Despite everyone having noticed it by now? Someone that negligent probably shouldn't be allowed to remain the "Leader of the Free World". Maybe they should impeach him or something.
Biden wears tennis shoes. Dark Brandon wears hobnailed boots.
I maneuvered into my free-weight workout this morning, then maneuvered into the kitchen for some coffee. I maneuvered a bit in some blogs (this one and the Commie Fascist Groomer Pedophile Teacher Blog I like), then maneuvered my bike togs on and maneuvered my bike to school.
I maneuvered and maneuvered. Maneuver, maneuver, then maneuver.
skinnercitycyclist, maneuver and out.
What bunk ! of course there is such a thing as proprioceptive maintenance maneuvers
Damn! Hard-hitting journamalism at its finest!
You are evil incarnate... The mere thought of " youthful 77-year-old raging cum-stallion Donald Trump" made me laugh so hard I choked on my coffee spat some out on my shirt front.
Ta, Evan. Who owns Axios?
Who calls sneakers "tennis shoes" these days, anyway? And Kamala wears Converse like a badass. Has everyone forgotten Trump's almost disasters when he's trying to walk down a ramp?
LOL, I didn't know any one called them "sneakers" anymore!
I actually do call them "tennis shoes," but I am 62, which probably just reinforces your point.
Actually, I call them my sneaks. But tennis shoes just seems pointless since they aren't just for tennis! And I'm in my 60s, too.
My students just call them: "shoes."
Hell, I've worn flip-flops (we all them THONGS, BTW, here in the PNW) for the most of the last 20 years. I even have furry ones for winter (thanx LL Bean). Footware doesn't mean squat.
* this is
* a bridge
* too far
And an arch support too far.
I love it how Biden tripping over something anyone else on the planet would trip over has turned into him having to work on his balance. Because obviously it's his age that's at fault, and not some hungover dipshit cadet who received their instructions at full volume, for 30 minutes straight.
Oh no. DeathSentence has begun his evil plan to Make America Florida
Oh noes, a very busy and important older person is doing exercises for balance, heaven forfend.
Last night I finally got called for a political poll. I think it was done for RWNJ Beth Van Duyne because the questions about her were friendly, while the ones about Biden were nasty. Also, I work on balance improvement exercises at the gym, but I think my problem is I am built like an apply on toothpicks.
Considering what we find out about presidents after the fact, I would be amazed if other prezzes didn't have fitness routines we were not made aware of.
Presidents have fitness routines? Whodda thunk!!
Balance is a key to healthy aging.
"Recent research has given us insight into the importance of mobility and balance as we age. Mobility is one of the keys to healthy aging. And recently, researchers found that the ability to balance can indicate longevity for older adults."
Yup. Ask any PT and you'll hear that as you cross over that 60 line, you should work on one-leg standing drills and balance exercises, in addition to strength and cardio.
The fact that President Biden works on balance and strength is a Good Thing and far more likely to help keep his body and mind from deterioration than riding in a golf cart to the next hole and celebrating your cheating score with a burger and fries.
I put my socks on standing up, trying to make each sock go all the way on before I put that foot down. I also do the sit-down from full-stand, and full-stand back up, trying to avoid using hand, elbow, or knee to assist (I almost always need to roll on one knee to get up, only once managing to spring up with zero assist, but I was told that one or two assists is fine, it's just three or more that are a worrying sign).
"Then it starts talking about Joe Biden being old again."
Wait, you mean he's *still* old? Despite everyone having noticed it by now? Someone that negligent probably shouldn't be allowed to remain the "Leader of the Free World". Maybe they should impeach him or something.
Scoop! Axios has now confirmed that President Biden has feet. It is believed that he has two of them.
What he uses them for is uncertain.