Ta, Stephen. I met Donna Rose a few months before her second birthday, and even at that tender age, she could have outwitted Kari Lake.

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"from back east"

So, the Joos?...

Seriously - expect that next.

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When I was a kid living in the D.C. area, I thought the mayor was two people: Mary and Barry, and didn't understand why nobody ever said their last names.

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One wonders what is worse the clumsily offering a bribe from a big Eastern syndicate? And is it the same one the runs Xmas? Even Lucy van Pelt was afraid of that one.

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"Outwitted by Kari Lake"?


Come on, I know this is literally Opposite Day, but that's just heavy-handed!


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I'm confused- who do I root for here? Nobody? Ok, just checking.

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Team Giant Meteor all the way.

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“habit of secretly recording personal and private conversations.” BWAHAhahahaha

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> I owe it to the people of Arizona to carry their torch and voice.

And to wear the funny white hat and robe, and to ride at midnight

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Since we hardly ever hear from $arah Palin anymore, I do wonder if those people from "back east" paid her off after she endorsed TFG back in early 2016, just so she wouldn't be out there tellin' all them hawkey mahms what's goin' on, don'tcha know?

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Thus far Sinema has made no moves toward re-election. No announcement, no signature gathering to get on the ballot, nothing.

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Guessing she has money coming in anyway ... and if you run people expect you to spend some of that actually trying to get elected.

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This is Keystone Cops territory. It would be funny if it weren't so intentionally malicious and indicative of a different type of political corruption within the Republican Party.

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I blame AI. Not for the tape, but for the existence of the character "Kari Lake" - far too nutty to be real.

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My family rented a cottage for a week at Kari Lake one summer. It was like if National Lampoon wrote an article about my summer vacation.

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Jan 25Liked by Stephen Robinson

"which was like sending an incriminating email to someone with the subject line 'DELETE!'"

According to what I learned at Alina Hobba School of Law, it can't be used as evidence if you clearly mark it that you don't want it to be used as evidence. And also if you're a Republican.

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Also, cops have to tell you if they're cops when you ask them.

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These people aren't even competent when it comes to corruption, are they?

Everybody knows a proper bribe involves meeting on a park bench and handing over an envelope. Never say anything incriminating over the phone. Don't these people watch TV?

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One of my favorite passages in "Good Omens" (the book, never got around to watching the show) was the duck pond where all the spies meet to secretly exchange information while feeding the ducks. The ducks rank the various intelligence agencies by the quality of the snacks they bring.

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The show really is lovely. I haven't much cared for some of the other adaptations of Gaiman's work (*cough*Sandman*cough*) but this is really well done. That goes for season two as well, and hopefully, whenever it happens, season three.

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Can someone please do a remix of this tape?

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Dumb questions for the day: Could the recent events that was described in this article with Dewitless and Crazy Lake be grounds for a District Attorney, from say, Pima County Arizona, to open a bribery investigation. Can the Feds join in as well???


I wouldn't expect an investigation to open up in Maricopa County, since their DA is a member of the GQP Party.

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She's not any sort of public official, except in her imagination, so I don't think that qualifies as bribery. It's not uncommon for leading candidates to offer some sort of incentive for other candidates to drop out, by, e.g., paying the latter's campaign debts. But I'm no lawyer, so don't take my word for it.

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