I can't believe that AZ would allow Fedrul INS test in as a Common Core Trojan Horse. Well played, Comrade Obama, well played.

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<em>... requiring Arizona high school students to correctly answer 60 of the 100 questions ...</em>

As I remember, 60 out of 100 is a borderline fail. What happens if they correctly answer more than 60? Are they too smart for Arizona?

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Wait, is part of the bill going to tie their voter rights to whether or not they graduate high school? While I generally support such draconian and elitist measures to keep dumb and lazy people down, I'm pretty sure the people who fail this test and therefore high school will still be allowed to vote for whoever the NRA tells them to vote for in subsequent elections.

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From the link: "Instead of asking why there are 50 stars on an American flag, how about asking: What protections are given us under the Fourth Amendment?"

HA HA. Trick question.

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If they mandate that all state elected officials have to pass with at least a failing percentage (60% really?) before they can take their oaths of office, I'm all for it.

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Can we give this test to the Republican Caucus and see how well they do?

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The libtard was against it since it slows adoption of Agenda 21. Or whatever the fuck it is.

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There was a JW at my high school ... they're like the libertarians of the religious world, in terms of sheer annoyance. They also seduced one of my best friends into their cult which still pisses me off.

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You have no idea, we're seriously fucked

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it is for now- give it a year tops

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While I wholeheartedly support the idea of renewed emphasis towards civics in theory, I don't think people appreciated the degree of behind the scenes ratfuckery involved in this. The new law was pushed through in only four days, with zero public input- all based upon a discredited public school survey. Of all the problems facing this state, why was this such a priority? Contrary to what they say, Phoenix republicans have no intention of actually sticking to a test based upon the INS test- the whole thing will quickly devolve into weapons grade RW propaganda and historical revisionism, along with a healthy dose of "Murican exceptionalism" jingoism.

I'd love to see actual civics being taught- if we had a more civics knowledgeable electorate, Ducey and the rest of those clowns would never have been elected. But it's important to remember that these are the same idjits who have spent years and millions of tax dollars fighting quixotic battles against the Federal government that they hate and who routinely try to usurp Federal power when it suits them. They're also the same people who have tried to destroy one of the state's largest school districts because it had the temerity to attempt to teach Messican kids about Hispanic contributions to history. Anyone who thinks this new law will be implemented anywhere close to how it's being advertised simply doesn't understand the fascist extremism that has seized control of AZ state government at this point.

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Naw, just realism borne of lots of experience with the way AZ politics works (or doesn't)

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