It almost always seems to be Republicans who are doing the cheating. The only thing these damnable idiots are good at is projection.

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It just comes natural to them.

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lol. This is #27 on the list of tragic consequences of Trump’s Big Lie. Wingnuts think this is just how the game is played. Pretend you care about election “integrity,” (ie, liberals being allowed to vote) and cheat BETTER than those granola sandal flower feminists ever could! This guy is obviously a very clever dude. That list of “signatures” is hilarious. He couldn’t even bother using a few low-paid staffers to write them in for some variation. He just scribbled them in himself in exactly the same hand. I’m surprised he didn’t just use a stamp and change the address by one number.

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Weak-minded individuals buy into the lies about election integrity to the point that they actually think they can get away with it, utterly ignorant of the procedures in place to prevent that very thing.

I blame the schools for not stressing critical thinking.

Well, and Smith, of course (if that really is his name). As a Republican, even the best-faith efforts to teach him critical thinking would have been an utter failure.

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I've said i once before, but it bares repeating now *White Stripes.....IT'S ALWAYS PROJECTION WITH THESE FUCKS........ALWAYS.......

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The Republicans had better start making better decisions and start voting for leaders with some morals. Currently they're passing downright stupid laws, supporting liars and cheaters, and becoming more corrupt and unpopular.

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How come all the voter fraud and insurrections are carried out by Republicans?

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Who else has the time? Democrats are too busy cleaning up Republican messes.

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I note how quiet the usual "Democrats in disarray" nabobs have been.

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Not only is the handwriting exactly the same, he didn't even bother to use plausibly different addresses.

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I dunno about that -- assuming that (real) signatures would be collected by going door-to-door, you would expect them to be clumped together geographically each day. It would probably be *more* suspicious if he had collected three signatures on, say, March 13th with one from the north side of town, one from the east, and one from a different town to the west.

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That assumes door knocking. If he was at a strip mall or out in public, addresses could be from anywhere.

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I did say assuming, yes.

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He sat down with a phone book or a voter registry and just started copying out entries by hand. The signatures are forged, the intent to support the thing is fabricated ... but those are real people from that address.

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Seems like a lot of effort when, as I understand it, everyone in the country supports his positions.

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Projection always it is with these assholes.

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You want the hotbed of voter fraud in this country?

Try The Villages.

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Ye Gods, did anybody click through to that article about the Republican write-in candidate? A nuclear plant employee from "Litchfield." Why yes, he does look a little like Homer Simpson, why do you ask?

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ye gods and little fishes! there are no, repeat no, unplumbed depths for these people. whatever the bottom is, these GQP slime gonna hit it.

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Then hire a trench digger to go lower.

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How many times do Republicans turn out to be behind voter fraud? Aot,K.

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yup. 100%.

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It's all projection with these assholes. They are sure the Dems are doing massive voter fraud because THEY have made it such a regular occurrence to do massive voter fraud so the the Dems must be doing it to them. They continue to get all hot and hyperventilated because one time in the middle of the last century after an election Richard Daley found some uncounted ballot boxes in downstate Illinois. They have cheated their way into TWO presidencies in THIS century. ENOUGH!!!!!

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Every projection is a confession.

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Wait a minute. They keep calling us pedophiles and groomers.

You don't mean...?

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But NOOOOOOOOOO. They want to catch Black people voting for Democrats SO BAD that they KEEP DOING IT.

That's a special kind of Confederate stupid. And - clearly - unfortunately all too common.

Democracy Docket with Marc Elias, Esq - Donald, Project 2025, SCOTUS, & the 2024 Election with Secretary & former POTUS Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton


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OT: OMG Clarence Thomas! Has he turned up? Was he TRAFFICKED!?

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he snuck in the next day like nothing ever happened.

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I wouldn't shed a single tear if that jackwagon got trafficked out of the country, preferably with his traitorous, gender quisling wife, and more preferably to somewhere that has lots of diseases, natural disasters, and quicksand.

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So, Mississippi?

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Wherever they had those plants that snapped up around you when you stepped on them in the old Tarzan movies.

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He caught a nasty STD from a coke can.

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There's shit going on. He's had medical events in the past that his staff tried to (ineptly) cover up or lie about.

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Did they check the forms for bamboo fibers? That's a definite tell.

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Fiber Ninjas

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Do you know if anyone at the Wonkette is going to cover this other planned Arizona ratfuckery?


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Tried and failed in CO. Hopefully the same in AZ. Don't they only have a week left to collect signatures?

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20

I got the impression that the state legislature can offer ballot initiatives from the floor by some process that doesn't require signature petitions. With a little more digging I was able to verify that it is indeed the case... the legislature can put a proposed amendment on the ballot with a simple majority vote (*insert melting sad face here*):


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It has been mentioned a couple of times.

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We need a full time Arizona bureau.

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4th Generation Arizonan here, remembering when we used to look down on Mississippi

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I live in Arizona. Will the bureau come with full-time therapy, because I need that.

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With conservatives the call is almost always coming from inside the house.

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