"Before inserting suppository, please remove your head from your ass, Phyllis Schlafly Type Person"

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Plan A = Have an unplanned baby. Plan C = Get an abortion Plan D = Dumpster Baby. Seems like rational people would be really happy with Plan B. Idiots.

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.because they only have basic cable so they haven't discovered just how boring late night Skinemax really is?

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Get out of here with your crazy talk? Are you trying to turn wonket into a ghost town? That would kill about 90% of the comments here, if wonket allowed comments...

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Check your palms if you can see them...

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And Obummer is responsible for that sale on shovels at Home Depot

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Plan B is the new fluoride

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But there's a flaw in that plan. Teh wimmens can throw that shoe at their enslaver to register their anger and disgust, then they can get rescued by the cameraman when Wolf Blitzer shows up to interview them

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It's worked so well for cigarettes...

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That's how babby is made.

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Which is why abstinence only is the answer.

Take it from Bristol Palin.

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Plan B? Why would anyone need an alternative to God's plan for your womb?

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Because God's plan is only about 40% effective at preventing pregnancies from reaching term.

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"Bush wins Florida"

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Heads up Repubicans: This is how "little government" works -- it stays out of the lady parts.

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Oooh! Oooh! I know the answer.

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