EXACTLY. Considering how Barstool needs them for content, maybe athletes should boycott any interviews with them.

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LIUNA 942-Ret

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I’d put my money on AOC in either case. In heels.

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I have never done the twitting, because there is nobody in the world I care enough about their opinions to want to know what they are thinking RIGHT NOW. And there are a metric fuckton of people I never ever want to hear from, and all of them seem to be twittlers. So, no.

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Holden Shearer FTW!

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Yes. He's scared and you win.

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Self-inflicted pwnage in the 4th degree.

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Woo! You tell 'em! haha brilliant. (that 4-limb isolation always seems like pure magic to me. I have trouble counting 7 on "Solsbury Hill" lol)

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IUOE local 302 retired and IBEW 1547Best move i ever made.

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My grandparents were civil service union folks. Granddad was at OSHA until the late ‘80s, grandmother was safety inspector at Treasury for the same period. I think she served as a union officer, but don’t quote me.

They gave me my work ethic, patriotism, and appreciation of worker protections - laws and unions both.

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Barstool is the perfect name. Trump has always reminded me of the drunk dumb-shit at the end of the bar with a completely uninformed opinion about everything who just spouts out crap that makes no sense.

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Have you ever listened to her podcast with Chuck Rosenberg? She's not really very ideological at all if she's being honest in that podcast. It could have gone either way - when she was first hired out of j-school. She interviewed with a Democrat and a Republican - the Republican hired her. And then she fell in with the Bush family.

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Wonkwriters- why aren’t you in a union? I’m the UK we have the National Union of Journalists, and it doesn’t matter what publication you work for, you have union protection. Do you have a similar thing in the US?

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Barstool started as a small paper in Boston, then scrapped the paper and went on line and moved to NYC. Portnoy has always been a piece of shit no matter his location...

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