Lara's dress really is terrible, because it looks like a 1980s ice skating costume with a long skirt tacked on. There are a lot of questionable design elements, but seriously what the HELL is going on with those shoulders?
Sure, and dumb. But he hangs with ICP, so he is a dumb asshole with basic decency who just wants to have fun and a sense of community. Trump is the enemy of fun and a sense of community.
I was going to point this out, and also make a joke about how Vanilla Ice can then build some more bunkers next to the toilet while he’s at Mar A Lardo, but TFG has moved on to storing papers in ex-wives’ graves, so Imma just pray for Marla instead.
Except for the rallies, the repetitive chants, dressing in similar attire, the authoritarian leader figure, ascribing him divine qualities like “god sent him to save America” and of course, attacking any and all perceived slights against the cult, sorry, the “not a cult” leader.
I am not a fan of Laura’s dress, not because Icare how much skin is/is not showing but because it sort of looks like a combo between a wedding suit for a third marriage and a robe someone on Dynasty would wear. But what I am really disturbed by is the color of her legs. Is she wearing sheer black pantyhose (check her toes, it doesn’t look like it)? Or did she set the spray tan to “blackface”?
anderson cooper
hiss hiss
LOL! that run up of Musk was SO beautifully catty
Especially since it started with Anderson Cooper not even knowing who said it in the first place LOL
This is self-evidently pathetic.
Speaking of Elon Musk!
Best. Segue. Ever.
OMG - “sweetie, have you seen the yacht photos?” [of Elon being out of shape]
It was bitch-perfect.
Trump not so into Ice in that video, but giving off constipated Mussolini vibes.
"Constipated Mussolini Vibes"
You can have the "band name" on that one.
I think that's SOP.
Lara's dress really is terrible, because it looks like a 1980s ice skating costume with a long skirt tacked on. There are a lot of questionable design elements, but seriously what the HELL is going on with those shoulders?
I look at her in that dress, and I say to myself: "Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling."
Shows off her bolt-ons, though. Someone in the Insta comments said something about Lara being hard-working.
OK, what now? Although I would imagine being with Eric is a lot of work. Still...
"Although I would imagine being with Eric is a lot of work."
Not to mention stepping on all his legos when you get up to pee.
He coukd only afford one Ninja Turtle?
and not even a mutant one
Noooo what happened to Vanilla Ice?
Nothing. He's always been an asshole.
Sure, and dumb. But he hangs with ICP, so he is a dumb asshole with basic decency who just wants to have fun and a sense of community. Trump is the enemy of fun and a sense of community.
Grift, grift baby
Isn’t a “shebang” a lesbian swingers party?
I’ll show myself out…
ONE Ninja Turtle? Could they not afford the licensing for all four? Or (more likely) was it a bootleg children's party entertainer?
As big an ass as he is, Kid Rock expects to get paid for performing and knows that Durian J Trump doesn't pay the people he has contracted with.
I was going to point this out, and also make a joke about how Vanilla Ice can then build some more bunkers next to the toilet while he’s at Mar A Lardo, but TFG has moved on to storing papers in ex-wives’ graves, so Imma just pray for Marla instead.
But it is an ugly dress. . .
It would be ugly on literally anyone, not just her. Too many weird things going on at once on it, it's just irritating.
Rep. Mike Collins obviously doesn't know squat about the world of music.
I can't think of any Republican who has the slightest grasp on any aspect of pop culture.
Because they believe that pop culture is a trick of the Devil to make you think there could be anything more fun than God.
It’s “totally not a cult”…
Except for the rallies, the repetitive chants, dressing in similar attire, the authoritarian leader figure, ascribing him divine qualities like “god sent him to save America” and of course, attacking any and all perceived slights against the cult, sorry, the “not a cult” leader.
Other than those things, totally not a cult.
Does Rudy Giuliani now live in the Maralogo pool house? Because I'm just wondering who paid his Uber driver to get him there??
I suspect he’s living in a cave under the Misty Mountains, subsisting on a diet of raw fish and muttering about his “precious” election returns.
I am not a fan of Laura’s dress, not because Icare how much skin is/is not showing but because it sort of looks like a combo between a wedding suit for a third marriage and a robe someone on Dynasty would wear. But what I am really disturbed by is the color of her legs. Is she wearing sheer black pantyhose (check her toes, it doesn’t look like it)? Or did she set the spray tan to “blackface”?
There do exist hose that are open toe. She might be wearing those.
... robe someone on Dynasty would wear....
Ta, Evan. What a league of losers.
Worst Superfriends knock-off ever…