Considering that he isn't reported as having said a single word about gay people but he is described as having beaten the shit out of a fig tree he was annoyed by*... this seems like a reasonable conclusion to draw.

(*But seriously...who the fuck gets annoyed at a tree?)

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By all accounts, he really is (or was - did he officially retire?) an excellent neurosurgeon. It's just that the skills needed to be an excellent neurosurgeon are orthogonal to being a fair-minded, tolerant, and knowledgeable politician.

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Have you ever been to a party where you're hanging out with your friends and some guy comes up to you and says something so awkward and out of place that everybody starts looking down at the floor? Yeah, that would be Ben Carson.

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Ah, humanity...Five minutes after the first ship leaves the earth for a new home, someone will claim teh gheys are trolling the sonic showers, another will say the whole project is polluted and doomed because "there be non-Christians aboard," and three more will start a blog citing "hard evidence" that Earth is not the birthplace of man. We will never be rid of these people.

Ten minutes in, various factions will try to gain control of the airlocks in preparation for the oncoming holy war.

Three days later, two droll-looking green people will sigh, shake their heads, and move on from the mangled debris that is mankind's most inevitable legacy. "Who gave the monkeys math?" they will ask before disappearing thru a wormhole.

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Perhaps he thinks that people didn't travel back then because they hadn't invented cars yet?

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I've never seen a live interview with one of his patients.

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I blame opposable thumbs

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yep! irony and clue bus passes him by by every day.

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no, HE doesn't get it!

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My name? Jimmy. Yeah, just Jimmy.My last name? *sigh*Fine. Jimmy Christ, alright? Yeah THAT Christ. He's my fuckin' little brother, okay? Everyone is just sooo convinced he's soooo cool! Who taught him how to do the wine thing? ME! The loaves and fishes? THAT BASTARD STOLE MY ENTIRE ROUTINE!

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I think this what Alex Jones is always going on about?"NEWTON WAS A FALSE FAG OPERATION"

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Deep fry that sucker, and suddenly you've solved Obama's problem of how to get them all on the FEMA trains!!

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How do they make Ben-Gay in a tube?

They don't! They make Ben gay in jail!!!1

*Carefully sents mic down, shuffles toward exit where everyone is pointing*

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Can we charge him for all the minutes he goes over 15?

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"We should also serve as champions of freedom of religion throughout the world,” Carson tells Breitbart News. […]

Ben, who the fuck told you that? Did anybody outside of your own little cadre of christo-fascists ask you to do that? And, no, the little voice in your head that you think is Gawd doesn't count.

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Not to rain on anyone's snarky parade about regular Indianians (or whatever the fuck they're called) getting nailed by this law for failing to obey some other restriction in Leviticus, because it ain't gonna happen. Federal law prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, or national origin, and federal law trumps state law. Federal law provides no protection to LGBT, so the only thing from Leviticus applicable to this law is the buttsechs. See, it's not a bug, it's a feature. The primary feature.

On the bright side, a baker can't refuse to make a wedding cake for a Muslim wedding, no matter how strong the religious beliefs might be.

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