The 'baggers and nitwit conservatives really, really wish that trans people would just shut up and get back in the closet like the good ol' days.

They really don't want people learning about trans people, meeting them, etc. It's easy to crack jokes and mock trans people, when the only examples of trans people the vast public know are Ace Ventura and Springer episodes. Once being trans is understood to be a medical condition akin to something like cancer, it stops being OK to mock it.

I think that's the nitwit's goal, when it comes down to crap like this douche misgendering, people using birth names after they've been changed, bathroom laws, etc....they don't want the general public to know us trans people exist just like anyone else. The more they can make life for a trans person impossible, the greater chance of said trans person either offing themselves, or going back to representing their birth gender just to survive.

Ultimately, the "T" side of the acronym is going to go down the same path the "LGB" side did. It's easy to be a bigot towards the stereotypical "dude in a dress". It's hard to be a bigot toward people in your social circles. This is why I'm so open and upfront about who I am.

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Where's Buzz Aldrin when you need him?

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Ben Shapiro missed his William F Buckley moment, he could have screamed out DON'T TOUCH MY NECK SKIN YOU CROSS-DRESSING PERV OR I'LL SOCK YOU IN THE GODDAMNED FACE AND YOU'LL STAY PLASTERED just like his Conservative hero.

Instead, Brave Sir Benny ran away, ran away.

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Police declined to press charges, so, what's happened? The LAPD has decided to indulge shame-chub "victims?"

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didn't Betty White say something similar?


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I thought it was "one toke over the line"

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hydrogen peroxide might hep.

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Just read that as "wrecking my noodle," which seemed excessive.

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I was thinking Ms Tur would have done better to just refer to Shapiro as "she" and address him as "Ma'am".

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Shapiro is such a douche nozzle. He acted like a dick and got treated like one back. How quickly the cons forget the golden rule until they get treated the way they are treating others.

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Rome was just lucky Chris was too classy to come on the show and kick his ass for using her name as an insult.

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I believe that there is something in law called "Fighting Words". That is, using language intended to provoke a violent response. If I am wrong, someone please correct me.

Shapiro was using deliberately offensive language in full knowledge of what he was saying and what its effect on Zoe.

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That link didn't work for me but what Betty (Love that woman!) said is:

"Why do people say Grow some balls? Balls are weak and sensitive! If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina! those things take a pounding!"

Betty White

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