“First of all, children, they're stupid. Just going to tell you right now. I got three of them.”

Hopefully at least one of them will gain enough awareness as the grow up to realize what a disgusting asshole their father is.

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This is going to be a very lonely man in the nursing home.

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I'm sure Charlotte can see that a grown man making fun of her heartfelt letter to the Presitent is an asshole but she might say it nicer. Should we send the "cakes we like" list to the pres so it would be part of the official record like PAB?

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I notice that everything boiled down to a choice between 2 stark options with these idiots.

It's obvious that they can't think their way out of.a wet paper bag.

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She spelled like 2 words wrong and put then instead of than. Did I miss something here?

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It was either this or try to be specific about why wokeness makes him poop his pants so much.

Ben made the right choice.

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I'm pretty sure banks are failing faster than Joel McHale sitcoms because they are handing out woke in their drive thrus like its tootsie rolls, let's not drag interest rates into the discussion that sounds mathy and confusing.

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I'm guessing that, unlike his children, Charlotte has actual hopes and dreams that haven't been crushed by her parents.

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This grifting fascist is supposed to have said facts don’t care about your feelings. Well here are the faces

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