I draw, paint, and love art. I turn my nose up at all the "That's not art, my kid could paint better than that!" dismissals of art, but in all honesty I never could get the appeal of abstract expressionism.

Pollock's work just looks like the wall in a dive bar's bathroom to me, Rothko's stuff looks like the gunk that forms over the window.

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Here is why it was A Number ONE good idea to put the Wonkette's business ads here.I am a no good very bad commenter who often skips this section, excepting when I don't, OR when it is 6 fucking AM on the goddamn west coast and I am unable to sleep.So, since there is no new Shit Fer Brains, like what there ought to be, I finally stumbled down here! And it's Rebecca in the guise of "sponsored post" telling me about the art work and such as I should have.Now! I can't yet afford this artwork (ALTHOUGH MAYBE I CAN LATER) but your constant shilling has reminded me that I have not yet bought Fruhlinger's book, which I remedied. Small amounts of money for everyone!AND ALSO TOO I was led to find out what Bay Area Ab/Ex was. And huh. Not so much my taste. Learning.MAKE MONEY I NEED YOU!:)

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They are easy on the eyes - the gay homo-evil-sexy-uals and the paintings. I am not much for modern art, but these are very pleasing to the eye. I love water. So soothing. Bright idea lovely paintings. Considering maybe buying one.

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Just leave her layers of shirts out of it. Tears are a natural product. Those fabrics, not so much.

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But isn't it all about breaking rules and begging the question?

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Well, gunk can be a medium (media?) too. I love abstract art, I like angles and clean planes and minimalism. Then again the old portraits from the classic masters and pre raphaelites, and surrealism and cubism I love just as much, also too. And there isn't much I can say "I hate".

I guess I like stuff, but other stuff I don't like. I think I'm pretty average that way.

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You can easily discern "What I'm saying" by reading the words I write. It's tricky, I know.

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He should also do work in the medium of Kim Davis tears. I'd buy that.

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You hate Rauschenberg? MONSTER!

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It took SOOOO long to bake it. And I can't find the recipe.

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I can't afford to buy gay rain paintings and become a Whore Diamond level member of Wonkette, so which is it?

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You'll never have it again. But you might ask the old men playing Chinese checkers.

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MacArthur Park Bakery refuses to serve gay couple !!!

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