Could we skip the bandages? Open wounds attract so much more schadenfreude.

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Hillary always struck me as more of a Deep Purple fan


and now my brain has taken that and run to Jenny Joseph's poem

When I am an old woman I shall wear purpleWith a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me.And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer glovesAnd satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter.I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tiredAnd gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bellsAnd run my stick along the public railingsAnd make up for the sobriety of my youth.I shall go out in my slippers in the rainAnd pick flowers in other people’s gardens And learn to spit.

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Close to twat? I never even saw it!

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Hill must have caught a bad dose of "The Wonkettes" while she was doing Benghazi, because she is bringing the snark something fierce this week!

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Yes, please!

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Why limit yourself? Choose all three!

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Remember when Republicans were talking about Obama being a "community organizer" with such disdain back in 2008? I remember some republican woman saying "you know what? I'M a community organizer, and now I'm going to organize for Obama instead of McCain." They won't stop until they've alienated everyone on the entire planet. I wish those assholes would go ahead and get raptured already so the rest of us could go about our business.

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Not that this means climate change is real or anything like that though! That's totally a hoax invented by pointy headed intellectual scientists who just want to get more money from the government.

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"Oh my god, Becky look at her Benghazi!"

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Don't you hate it when that happens?

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Hm, I saw that as clustertwat, and was wondering how far?

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Right, right. You a little lost there?

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No, we are not all in this together.See, you wingnut freaks are in this for yourselves because god damn it how dare a Democrat become president!!!!!!The rest of the country is just mocking you considering you said not a friggin word about the 60+ embassy employees killed, during multiple attacks, under Bush.So yeah, pull that tinfoil on a bit lower.

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Poe or destined for the Sunday Dustbin of Derp? Vote, ever'body!

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You see what happens when RepubliCONS refuse to fund adequate mental health services? The creatively named "John" can't get his meds and sounseling.

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