We are waiting for specific models to come out before we buy! Mr. Anzu wants a specific Toyota with a very long range battery. I personally want to wait for the EV and/or hybrid version of the Mazda MX-5 that is allegedly in the works. Both of those have an expected delivery date of 2027 or later.

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Toyota will not be making a long-range solid state battery anytime soon. Their announcements about those being just in the horizon are intended to get people to wait to get an EV when some impossible confluence of features comes together.

They just want to squeeze as much out of their investment in hybrid drivetrains as possible.

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I just don't have the money for a new vehicle right now, but if I did, it would have to wait for a suitable place to install a charging unit. If the forces of chance would just see their way clear to letting me win moderate bucks in the lottery, I'd get an EV and I'd look into getting solar panels and batteries installed in the house to boot.

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Planning on a '24 Nissan Ariya later this year (like, December) IF at least two out of three promised rate cuts happen in the interim.

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Is every parking space in every apartment/condo complex going to have a charger where you can plug in?

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Eventually, I would hope so. Or at least the majority of units would include access to charging stations.

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There are a number of reasons I never learned to drive. First, NYC has very decent 24/7/365 public transit. Second, virtually everyone knows how to drive, so I leave it to others (I am learning now since I'm spending so much time out of the city). Most important is my loathing and hatred for infernal combustion engines. They have disgusted me for decades. Of course, I learned to sail a boat because I love wind power. When the wind died while I was in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, I drove the boat around with the engine, waiting for the wind to return.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

I get it was to appease the Big Three and to a lesser extent unions (since the current big EV plants are all in anti-union southern states, eg VW in Tennessee and Hyundai in Georgia), but tying the tax credit to the car being built in the US is going to hamper adoption as it is. I think Dave remains correct, though. BYD and Geely (owner of Volvo and Polestar) can afford to ignore the tariffs and not worry about not qualifying for the credit and still undercut the Euro and US manufacturers. It'll be the gritty reboot of Toyota and Honda beating the pants off Detroit in the '70s.

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My personal EV car sales anecdote:

Last year, on the Friday before Thanksgiving, a deer hit the side of my 2015 Chevy Volt and managed to total it (a story for another time). But I did love that Volt, so I decided I would purchase a newer model one. Looked on the internets, and found a Hyundai dealership about an hour away selling a used 2018 Volt. Low miles, decent price, so I scheduled a test drive.

Instead of trying to sell me that car, the salesperson spent most of her time bragging about herself and how popular she is with her customers. When I asked her if they'd give a discount on the price since I was going to pay cash on the barrelhead, she told me, "Cash isn't as magic as it used to be." (Her actual statement. I will never forget it.) And when I asked her about the IRS tax rebate on used EVs ($4000!), she knew nothing about it.

Now, this is a Hyundai dealership, where they sell all kinds of EVs - hybrids, plug-in hybrids, full electric - and yet she knew nothing of the tax rebate to EV buyers. Yet to hear her tell it, she was the queen of customer satisfaction. And I was prepared for her to at least try to upsell me into a newer Hyundai EV, since I was clearly ready to buy right then, with virtual cash in hand. So I left the dealership, unimpressed. She would continue to text me to see if I was still interested in buying it, but I texted her back to let her know I was continuing to look for another. Yet she never tried to reduce the price or try to give me more options, just to keep me interested - just kept texting me wanting to know how my car search was still going, like a jilted lover hoping in vain that I haven't yet moved on.

A week later, I found a 2017 Volt with less miles AND a lower price, And that dealer had no issues taking my money and printing out the IRS tax forms for the tax rebate for used EV purchases. And voila! I'm back on the road, "humbly" saving money and the planet.

This, along with the "letter" from car dealers whining that they just can't sell EVs, and non-comments from here telling about how car salespeople tried to steer them away from EVs and towards vehicles that just coincidentally happen to result in a bigger kickback to the sales staff, shows me that it's not the EVs causing the problem. Otherwise, we wouldn't have shitheads buying candy-colored F-150s at $80K whining about how "expensive" those granola-munchin' EVs cost.

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I bought a Hyundai Ioniq 5 at a Subaru dealership because the Kia/Hyundai dealers are such dinks. Same story: they're still texting me about a car they wouldn't reduce the price on at all.

They did at least know about EVs.

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EVs are still in the Model T era of evolution. There's bound to be fits and starts.

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I drive a Chevy Bolt. I love this car. I'm an old lady with an adult autistic daughter. We charge it once a month because all we do is go to the local stores and to doctor appts. It was $32,000. I spent $1000 getting my electric updated and the charging station installed. My electric bill didn't increase enough to notice. It makes no noise so I feel like my car tippy tires.

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I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court gonna make all EPA regulations illegal before too long. Seems like a problem OHJB could have let take care of itself.

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The first thing my wife and I did after I got my (hopefully) forever job was to buy a car. Our beloved 2008 Jetta had limped to the finish line, and we didn't want to have another NorCal winter with it leaking when it rains. We debated hybrids and plug-in hybrids, but in the end, we went with a fully electric VW ID.4.

It was a tradeoff between price and size--way more than we'd intended to spend, and a bit bigger than we really wanted--vs range (260 at full charge) and features (we're short old ladies and we need adjustable seats, okay?). Charging was also a concern; we live in an apartment so we can't charge at home. In the end, what decided us were the many charging options nearby, including at work for me, 30 minutes free on VW's network (their penance for the whole emissions-fixing scandal), not having to pay for gas, a great driving experience , and familiarity with the dealer. So far, our new Blorbo has been great.

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(upvoting for Blorbo. And I like your shoelaces).

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Thanks! I stole them from the president. :D

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What if, and hear me out, we said fuck cars and built rail and walkable communities instead?

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...𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘑𝘰𝘦 𝘉𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯, 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘸𝘦 𝘴𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦.

THIS. Apply this principle to everything you disagree with Biden about.

Sorry if that sticks in anyone's craw. But people need to realize where they live, which is in a two-party country with a binary choice for president, and one of the choices may very well destroy this country.

Nothing else matters. NOTHING ELSE.

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Biden at his absolute worst is infinitely better than Trump at his absolute best.

(Also to quote Rachael Maddow on election eve 2016, if you don't vote for a candidate that can win you're saying you don't care who does win)

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THIS. And it makes me juuuust a little cray-cray when I see (presumably) younger leftists screeching about the situation in Gaza and 'Genocide Joe'. I thoroughly Get why they're upset with our government over it, but FFS, we've got TWO* alternatives here. One of them, the current one, might well respond to pressure on the matter, so long as they're in a position to do so. The other one? AYFKMRN? If they actually think the alternative would in **any** way be better for the Palestinian people, well, I don't know what to tell them. Cause in absolutely no way at all would it be that.

(*Two alternatives: yes I know this is part of the problem. Yes I know you're sick of hearing 'lesser of two evils' - I'm your mother's age and I've been hearing it longer than you've been alive and you better believe I'M freaking sick of it. But we are in the middle of what, like it or not, is indeed a war for the soul and future direction of this country. And I don't hear any of them coming up with proposals to deal with that rather critical factor and solve the 2-party issue at the same time).

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It's especially stupid to not vote for Biden over Gaza, because you're effectively taking your anger at Netanyahu out on Biden. Bibi will do what he always does, which is whatever the fuck he wants, without regard to what any American President, especially a Democrat, thinks about it. It is manifestly unfair to hold Biden responsible for Bibi's decisions and behavior.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

I drive an electric car and I would never go back to an ICE. I love charging at home and heading out. I also love that I don’t have to get oil changes, etc. I understand it is easier for me to be able to charge at home, but I have taken it on trips where I have had to charge at a super charger and this is what I don’t understand…. Why aren’t gas stations putting in more chargers? This seems like a complete no brainer to me. On a trip I recently took through MN, a super charger was at a gas station and I thought it was a genius idea. I had to sit there for 10 minutes while I charged so I went in, used the bathroom and shopped around for snacks and a drink. It’s the same as any other ICE car would do. I don’t understand why this isn’t happening all over for the business of the gas station if nothing else.

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It's a mystery to me. Every gas station should be getting chargers.

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This would be brilliant for those travel centers that have a full blown food court, or something like a Buccees where they want to trap people in the store for impulse shopping.

Car charging stations + casino and buffet.

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Right?! There is a super charger at Black Bear Casino right outside Duluth, MN. Perfect location and huge buffet!

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GMTA...Considering the wait times for 'filling up', I would think that whole mom and pop roadside industries could emerge to fill that wait time

Curious...how long does it take to charge from complete 'empty' to complete 'full'?

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Totally depends on the charger you’re using. A super charger can charge from almost empty to full in around 15-20 minutes. Some take much longer, like 40 minutes but those are mostly being phased out at charging stations.

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Just curious...how much does it cost to "fill up"?

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

Under $15 in MN. I’ve typically been charged around $13

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They could put all those laid off auto workers to work building railways and trains.

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Are trains still built anywhere in the United States? I know of one here in Mexico, but even so, several of the new lines (and they are growing everywhere) are having to import Chinese engines and cars. The new CIIT (passenger/freight across the Isthmus of Tehunatepec) using retrofitted old British passenger cars.

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Some are in NC

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GE still makes locomotives, but I don't know about rail cars.

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As long as the EV available charging stations keep increasing, I don't think it's going to be a problem for long. I have a plug-in hybrid for that reason, and in my city with everything close by I rarely need to use the hybrid portion, and we have EV cars everywhere, but down south (I live in Alaska) I couldn't travel on electricity only anyway with this car. The more EV the better as far as I'm concerned.

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We need socialized charging stations.

ICE sales have peaked and have declined for 7 years.


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It is amazing that Americans can't accept minor course corrections on good plans but are perfectly willing to accept full blown blatant lies like the "infrastructure week" of Trump as a "great economy under Trump"

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All Americans are not the same, so consider that please.

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Speaking as an amurriKKKan and flaming liberal pinko queer, the generalization is accurate. 30-40% of this country is exactly that stupid. Consider THAT please.

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