Prolly been noted already, but although this will be a *major* improvement, a classification that designates weed as more dangerous and less medically useful than Valium (!) doesn’t make any more sense than regarding it as worse than cocaine (as it is now).
𝘿𝙚-classification is really the only thing that makes sense; hopefully this may not be far behind (providing we hold Congress and the WH next year, of course):
Ta, Dok. Why was cannabis ever a Schedule Anything drug? Read The Emperor Has No Clothes. First, 1937 was when a retting machine for hemp was patented; prior to that hemp was retted by hand. That machine meant cheap paper, and that asshole Hearst had bought FORESTS to make paper for his shitty newspapers. Thus, his filthy papers promoted all kinds of Reefer Madness. Second, racism.
I'm impressed that Doc is a Gilbert Shelton fan and the unbounded wisdom of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Hopefully, future articles will include Wonder Warthog achievements, the adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat and the inspiration provided by Oat Willie (Onward through the fog!).
A shout out to the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers - Phineas, Free-wheelin Franklin and Fat Freddy! And yeah, Trumpy is definitely Norbert the Narc! Thanks, Doc. And let's not forget that feline wonder, Fat Freddy's Cat.
A shout out to the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers - Phineas, Free-wheelin Franklin and Fat Freddy! And yeah, Trumpy is definitely Norbert the Narc! Thanks, Doc. And let's not forget that feline wonder, Fat Freddy's Cat.
5mg of cannabis per day is curing my IBS-C, which I have suffered from for 45 years and there has never been any treatment whatsoever other than laxatives, which are addictive and bad for you.
I have also lost 10 lbs since November without trying, because my colon is less inflamed and swollen.
Senna isn't very effective for me. Polyethylene glycol (Miralax) works a treat, however, but you build up a tolerance over the years, and I was up to 6 capfuls daily, which means 6 bottles monthly at $13 per bottle. I'm now down to 2 capfuls daily and hopefully will be able to give it up soon. What I save on the Miralax is more than what I spend on the cannabis.
Back in the day, all the 'Nam vets were coming home and going to college. They had the good shit like Thai stick and hashish. I do love tootling down to my favorite dispensary and never having to go through my seeds and stems. Oth, seeds are damned expensive!
Getting potted up on the weed has never been my thing but this is fantastic news for those who partake. It’s also great news on the criminal justice front. Let’s get those cops off doing something constructive and get people out of jail.
"like in the old days when you might have to wait for your friend Mike to get his hands on some good shit, instead of just cruising down to the dispensary, you kids have no idea how good you have it, really.
Prolly been noted already, but although this will be a *major* improvement, a classification that designates weed as more dangerous and less medically useful than Valium (!) doesn’t make any more sense than regarding it as worse than cocaine (as it is now).
𝘿𝙚-classification is really the only thing that makes sense; hopefully this may not be far behind (providing we hold Congress and the WH next year, of course):
Ta, Dok. Why was cannabis ever a Schedule Anything drug? Read The Emperor Has No Clothes. First, 1937 was when a retting machine for hemp was patented; prior to that hemp was retted by hand. That machine meant cheap paper, and that asshole Hearst had bought FORESTS to make paper for his shitty newspapers. Thus, his filthy papers promoted all kinds of Reefer Madness. Second, racism.
I'm impressed that Doc is a Gilbert Shelton fan and the unbounded wisdom of the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Hopefully, future articles will include Wonder Warthog achievements, the adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat and the inspiration provided by Oat Willie (Onward through the fog!).
I hope Harry Anslinger is rotting in Hell, and I don't care whether or not his corpse is spinning in his grave.
Through alcohol and marijuana prohibition, this guy fucked up so many Americans.
Thanks, Dok, for giving us a good tickle in the ribs when we need it. Out of sight, man!
"your friend Mike" I'm pretty sure he was named Dave?
Dave's not here, man.
Dood. I have to, like, get a prescription? You know how much it costs to go to a doctor?
“How much do you think you’ll need?”
“How much should I write this go for?”
“Oh. Well…I guess a couple pounds will last me.”
A shout out to the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers - Phineas, Free-wheelin Franklin and Fat Freddy! And yeah, Trumpy is definitely Norbert the Narc! Thanks, Doc. And let's not forget that feline wonder, Fat Freddy's Cat.
A shout out to the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers - Phineas, Free-wheelin Franklin and Fat Freddy! And yeah, Trumpy is definitely Norbert the Narc! Thanks, Doc. And let's not forget that feline wonder, Fat Freddy's Cat.
5mg of cannabis per day is curing my IBS-C, which I have suffered from for 45 years and there has never been any treatment whatsoever other than laxatives, which are addictive and bad for you.
Discovered this benefit by sheer accident after consuming brownies made with my own cannabutter extraction; amazing how effective it is!
Favorite method is the “spaceadilla”: corn tortilla(s) w/ desired dosage melted into the cheese.
I take between 5mg and 8mg per night for anxiety, which has been wonderful. I haven't noticed that benefit, though. Still stuck with senna.
I have also lost 10 lbs since November without trying, because my colon is less inflamed and swollen.
Senna isn't very effective for me. Polyethylene glycol (Miralax) works a treat, however, but you build up a tolerance over the years, and I was up to 6 capfuls daily, which means 6 bottles monthly at $13 per bottle. I'm now down to 2 capfuls daily and hopefully will be able to give it up soon. What I save on the Miralax is more than what I spend on the cannabis.
Back in the day, all the 'Nam vets were coming home and going to college. They had the good shit like Thai stick and hashish. I do love tootling down to my favorite dispensary and never having to go through my seeds and stems. Oth, seeds are damned expensive!
Getting potted up on the weed has never been my thing but this is fantastic news for those who partake. It’s also great news on the criminal justice front. Let’s get those cops off doing something constructive and get people out of jail.
Not to mention they can finally study it for medicine. Yeah! Only problem is Big Pharma is likely to get involved.
Gracie reacts- "Does this mean we get to play more?"
Such a regal and elegant creature!
"like in the old days when you might have to wait for your friend Mike to get his hands on some good shit, instead of just cruising down to the dispensary, you kids have no idea how good you have it, really.
Ain't that the truth, DoK!
"4:25, man."
>I can't wait that long! Where's the food?
every body must get stoned!
Probably get more taxes out of it this way too. All cash business rarely will pay the full amount.