Hey Will, I heard Megyn say something about your wife.

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Last weekend, I did my part to support and enrich my local Native community. I drove to the reservation and bought some weed and hash from their cannabis store.

Now, I know the word "hero" gets bandied around a lot...

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Faster Than flying. And relaxing. Not stressful

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Better air, more room in the seating, not having to check your bags, arriving right downtown ... for NYC to Chicago, the travel time is roughly equal to a flight by the time you've dealt with security and baggage.

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The Ptolemies were most definitely not Egyptian. They were inbred Greeks.

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How about a pardon for Leonard Peltier?

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Amtrak has always been underfunded.

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As the kids say, "Oh, snap!"

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I think so, but that does not diminish their desire to sacrifice the Constitution and their own well being to own the libs.

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We nicked that fair and square from the French, if we give it back to anyone it should be them.

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But but but if they give everything back London museums will have nothing to show except haggis. 😁

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Black lava rocks are beautiful.

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Fuck off, Megyn.

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Why is this banshee still shrieking about this?

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about those crown jewels...

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