So paid informants are MORE credible? Good to know.So she begins with it's NOT the Giuliani stuff about Burisma and Shorkin then proceeds to say that that is exactly what it's about.
They know two brown politicians and US posters can only understand foreign matters if there is a bland and inaccurate comparison with a vaguely similar US situation.
My nephew would be on your ass right now... he worked at Schlitterbahn when that little boy was decapitated on the water ride. I dropped that line and he jumped my ass!! I let him slide for his language, cause I understand PTSD reactions (and because I was a bit frightened... I ain't gonna lie).
Agreed. It's pretty common, I think. When you're out of college, university, grad school, etc (i.e. spending most of your time in a contained space surrounded by people with shared interests) organically making friends is very difficult. Plus, when you're in a marriage or LTR, it's easy to isolate and/or exclusively hang out with other couples so, when you break up, you can find yourself suddenly, unexpectedly alone. Add in more people working remotely - which I wouldn't trade for the world - and you have a whole lot of desperate, cabin feverish people yearning for socialization.
I'm not sure if it qualifies as an app since it's a website, but Meetup is pretty good for getting out there friend-wise. After moving to a new state I found myself in that position. I joined a Gay Foodies group, had one outing with them, and had a nice time.
I'd recommend nipping that in the bud. Tell her you're looking for someone to date, and having a new female friend will complicate that. She may or may not understand that, but it doesn't matter because it has the benefit of being 100% true.
So paid informants are MORE credible? Good to know.So she begins with it's NOT the Giuliani stuff about Burisma and Shorkin then proceeds to say that that is exactly what it's about.
Stiff. Turgid. Agenda.
They know two brown politicians and US posters can only understand foreign matters if there is a bland and inaccurate comparison with a vaguely similar US situation.
They do have more in common than their ethnicity. Bobby Jindal's a useless rightwing twat with piss-all for a personality as well.
Farts... he smells like farts.
Every time I fart, my wife yells, OH MY GOD!!
My nephew would be on your ass right now... he worked at Schlitterbahn when that little boy was decapitated on the water ride. I dropped that line and he jumped my ass!! I let him slide for his language, cause I understand PTSD reactions (and because I was a bit frightened... I ain't gonna lie).
Agreed. It's pretty common, I think. When you're out of college, university, grad school, etc (i.e. spending most of your time in a contained space surrounded by people with shared interests) organically making friends is very difficult. Plus, when you're in a marriage or LTR, it's easy to isolate and/or exclusively hang out with other couples so, when you break up, you can find yourself suddenly, unexpectedly alone. Add in more people working remotely - which I wouldn't trade for the world - and you have a whole lot of desperate, cabin feverish people yearning for socialization.
I'm not sure if it qualifies as an app since it's a website, but Meetup is pretty good for getting out there friend-wise. After moving to a new state I found myself in that position. I joined a Gay Foodies group, had one outing with them, and had a nice time.
I mean, in that case it's only polite, nu?
33 yrs married, recently divorced, early 60's. I'm never gonna meet anyone, am I?
It's Indictsmass for those who observe.
I'd recommend nipping that in the bud. Tell her you're looking for someone to date, and having a new female friend will complicate that. She may or may not understand that, but it doesn't matter because it has the benefit of being 100% true.
Now you can have friends. I recently realized that most of my friends are women; when I was a kid I was too terrified to talk to them.
No; she won't ever leave her stupid behind.
No, I don’t mean she’ll find a way to leave it behind, I mean she’ll find a way to spend even more time with it.