LIVE: Biden And British PM Answer Questions Like Why Is Air Orange? And What Does God Smell Like?
Today on WonkTV!
It's been a good long while since President Joe Biden has had one of these bilateral visits at the White House. But today, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is in town, and he and Biden are going to do one of those joint news conferences. We imagine it'll be one of those things where a reporter asks Sunak a normal question, and then will say "Joe Biden why did you put woke transgender Bud Light M&Ms on the debt ceiling?" and Fox News will criticize Biden for acting like that wasn't a normal question.
Or something.
Watch a news conference!
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Just got to BlueSky!
I have profiles those other places but I think I forgot how to log on.
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So paid informants are MORE credible? Good to know.So she begins with it's NOT the Giuliani stuff about Burisma and Shorkin then proceeds to say that that is exactly what it's about.