More like meat heads.

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then they will be exchanged for the kurds

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I don’t believe Biden is the one responsible for the dead Ukrainians.

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That is exactly what Biden wants you to believe. The propaganda is working.

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The PKK is a Kurdish militia that is considered terroristic by Turkey and the US (except when needed to fight in places like Iraq and Syria).

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they should get their homeland. Perhaps giving them a part of russia will solvea couple of problems.

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Kurds were mentioned in the writing of Xenophon. They have lived in the same place for more than 2500 years. They get no respect, but they certainly deserve it.

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AHA! The clever dastards! Making us believe it was RUSSIANS shooting the missiles and dropping the bombs merely because the Russians said so! All along it’s been HUNTER BIDEN!!

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No, he has a date with a high voltage foot stool.

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You mean β€œintellectual” property.

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Did I type that?

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Biden is the one who published a virtual declaration of war against Russia telegraphing his ambition to take Crimea using Ukrainian military force. Biden is also the one pushing for an aggressive expansion of a white power military alliance into Ukraine, thereby presenting an existential threat to Russia. Biden is responsible.

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It must be difficult to think around all the worms.

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Have you seen this document?


Emphasize unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, including Crimea and extending to its territorial waters in the face of ongoing Russian aggression, which threatens regional peace and stability and undermines the global rules-based order.

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You have obviously ingested too much moldy rye.

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