Fuck these fascist fucks. They have no fucking right to demand a strategy from Ukraine. "Destroy every fucking conscript/weapon system/missile/bank account of Russia's military" is the strategy you numb nut. These shit heels. Every one of them an absolute vacant box masquerading as a person. This world is so fucked. I have zero hope for 2024.

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I do not want us to ignore the fact that border security measures and funding have been offered by the administration and rejected by the MAGA fuckheads. Biden *wants* to secure the border.

Republicans reject it because they a) don't want Biden to have a win and b) the border issues are just too good a talking point to rally the base to give up.

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The only reason America still exists is because trump never had the opportunity to trade it to the Russians for a hotel in Red Square.

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Putin's Republican allies need to be voted out. I remember where they spent the Fourth of July just a couple years ago.

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I can't believe people have forgotten that

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If we don't stand up to Putin, kiss Taiwan goodbye

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Underrated point

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What we are spending is a pittance compared to the benefit. If we follow through, this will be the biggest mistake they've made since Afghanistan, and will be as consequential if not more so.

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I don’t need to say it because I say it all the time but I hate Putin and his fucking proxies here in the U.S. I’m looking at you, Tiny Johnson, you fucking sleeper agent.

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Fuck off, Mikey.

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Mike "Neville" Johnson to Putin: the sudetenland is yours!

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Oh fuck. This will be hell tonight. Where will we discuss Colbert's monologue and Foil Arms and Hog's Monday repost?

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Late Show You Tube channel hasn't put anything up lately and I haz concerns

Stephen had to go back into the studio at home when they had just gotten back after the strike bc he had COVID and I'm concerned because I don't think he's over it and nobody's talking about it

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Thank you!

Had no idea

I mean, I wouldn't want EVERYBODY to know if I was having an appendectomy either but then again I don't have an audience of millions

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Abdominal incisions are nasty...

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fuck you and the self righteous pig you rode in here. Funny, I have been here near 20 years, have been a regular financial contributor since before substack, and this is the first time I have noticed your handle, so you can take your condescending "subsidizing your participation" , print it out and wrap it around a railroad spike, and sit down on it HARD.

(in response to poisonous mushroom boy)

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If Biden were the dictator that the GOpers claim he is then they shouldn't be standing near windows or drinking anything without a Geiger counter.

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So...declare war on Mexico, Speaker Johnson? Is that how you want to spend the Ukraine money?

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Where is Mike Johnson?

In my pants!!1

Fuck Ted Cruz.

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Can I hate My Johnson more? I'm a tax payer. Give my monies to Ukraine.

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We can all hate Mike more.

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They are fully prepared, nay, COMMITTED to selling out our own country, what makes anyone think for one minute that selling out Ukraine, NATO, and all the rest of our alliances would cause them to lose any sleep? This is the party of Treason, remember, the one that still can't see why sending a mob to storm Congress and stop the orderly transfer of power is so wrong. They have left " a decent respect to the opinions of mankind" (as they said in the Declaration of Independence) so far back down the road that they will never find it again.

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