I was on staff at NYPH when he was there and no one ever questioned his abilities as a surgeon.

...but the grift was already starting. His wife ran an alternative medicine center that dished out nonsense for cash.

I remember the patient who came to me for biopsy of a likely recurrence of her breast cancer. She was in tears because a "healer" there had told her that if she had had a more positive attitude that she would not have recurred.

Damn them.

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Walker also bitched about it:"Um... er...I put my pants on."

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I have a deep and abiding hatred for people who say shit like that to the chronically ill. My father just died of cancer a few weeks ago so it's it's especially enraging right now.

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So sorry to hear that.

As a doctor, I find it despicable beyond words. His wife got to do this because he was a rainmaker at the hospital. All I could do was comfort the patient and explain to her that nothing was her fault.

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It really was an oversight not to say something like, "Pursuant to the constraints of the Hatch Act which prohibit..." in the letter. Surely they didn't expect either of them to have ever heard of the Hatch Act or to know that it is not about poultry production.

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Don't forget Marianne Williamson!

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Since Putin now whines about cancel culture, are they the polonium culture?

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lol I won't resign from the post they're going to fire me from by the end of the day anywayMUCH BRAVEFuck off, Mehmet, you goddamned moron

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Maybe they just didn't care enough to? They're not worth it, The MSM would STILL say it is partisan, and this way Jen's got a nice ready answer for the inevitable Douchey questions

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Oz is a snake oil salesman.

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Quackwanker is the term. Didn’t Chef Andrés show Waffles and Moche how to make fresh Gazpacho and it actually made me want to run to a farmers market for fresh veg and to bake crusty bread for that amazing recipe? We are talking about Gazpacho! If you haven’t seen the segment, watch it on Netflix. Go Biden.

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Yeah, that letter ABSOLUTELY should have mentioned the Hatch Act if for no other reason than to highlight the fact that the Biden administration takes it seriously. And it would have headed off the predictable hissy fits from the usual suspects.

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I believe he truly was a bad Dr., he had a poor history.

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I always get the Hatch Act and the Mann Act confused. Some Republicans have been violating both.

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🎵 I'll take Manhattan…

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Repetition becomes critical when your base has the attention span of a mayfly.

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