For fuckstain mcgoo (aka #45) to reject the chance to have a national platform and have literally every news camera pointed in his face while testifying at his own impeachment trial

Should tell you everything you need to know about how guilty he actually is

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Getting over a national case of Stockholm syndrome. Silkwood showers stat.

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I leave notes for my attorney in his lunch bag and he hangs them on our fridge.

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Could you imagine what an awful time it would be to party with the MAGAs?

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So I tried to save this for Caturday... But it's sea shanty month and this is soooo good and also CATS!! Please enjoy!


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The proof of life garden picture is so much shade.

Grown even without the overhang of a tennis pavilion.


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Please take care of yourself and rest.

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Like hanging out with those mean girl cliques in high school. Everybody's nasty and sneering at other people and pretending to enjoy themselves.

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Did you get Hunter a laptop prefilled with pr0n and Chinese financial crimes? I heard from Roodles and a blind computer repairman that he likes those things.

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Winter storm day here again. A thaw and melt would be nice, but we get a polar vortex instead. I need to put in new concrete on the patio for the hot tub, coming in March.

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I had no idea this was a thing.

OMG. This is a thing.


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But...but...when does President Biden watch all the fAkE NeWZzz and Tweet about it !!!11!!

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Get yer rest🌛

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I am going to have to cancel my gym membership. At this point, it has become too crowded. 1. It's unsafe because the gym bros refuse to wear masks (me huffing and puffing in my KF94 with an extra cloth mask strapped on top glaring at them all the while) but most crucially because 2. There isn't any equipment available for the personal trainers exclusive use. So my trainer has to fight for a bench or a squat rack, and two weeks in a row we haven't been able to get them. At this point I might as well just buy my own rack and work out at home and save myself a bunch of money.

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Over the years I've accumulated quite the collection of kettlebells and when we moved into our place last year, I bought our landlord's very slightly used Pilates reformer. Back in the fall we bought a Peloton. This means multiple workouts a week, at home. And it's the best. I say start investing in equipment! You're worth it!

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