Really? When did they start being that?

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So, Yertle, how bloody are YOUR hands?

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25, since I studied it in college.

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Meanwhile, didn't Joe just sign an order this week allowing gas drilling in the Arctic?

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That's a big deal in places where there are regular tornadoes and hurricanes.

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The problem these oil companies have is they don't know what business they're in. They think they're in the oil and gas business, but really they're in the energy business. Exxon's new board members get that I think. If the rest did, they wouldn't have to "shrink the business" to cut emissions. If they all knew they were really in the energy business they could have diversified into clean energy and made a killing. It still hasn't quite taken off, so that market is early enough they still might if they get right on it. But I'm not holding my breath.

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I loved the 90s Rangers. I wanted one so badly.

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Clutching his pearls (the anal ones).

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Grief is a funny thing; different for nearly everyone. What I do know is tears are healing, and they express more than words ever could. I learned that when people were acting funny, I didn't understand they were doing everything in their power not to cry, or see my tears.

We find our way. Thanks for listening.

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Texas’s Oil and Gas Industry Is Defending Its Billions in Subsidies Against a Green Energy Push


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(Wonkette's Scope 3 emissions, on the other hand, would include those times that you laugh so hard that you poot.) That’s a lot of me thane!

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You are more sanguine than I. But I certainly HOPE you're right.

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i know right? a smart company would be moving to manufacturing the infrastructure to pivot to green energy - make their own solar panel etc - and retrain their workforce to do so - they'd make a killing, and people would support the brand because of it, but no - you've got a bunch of old white dudes who want to hang on to some illusory power by burning fossil fuels, with all the imagination of a brick

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I expect the Dutch court decision will be appealed, but it appears Shell was already moving in this direction. They sold their majority share of the Deer Park TX refinery to minority owner PEMEX ... a win-win for both: it won't increase fossil fuel consumption overall, but will pull one Shell refinery out of the fossil fuel market, while PEMEX, which didn't have the refinery capacity it needed for domestic Mexican consumption, will not be spending money for refining (altough it will still be exporting oil to Texas,then importing gasoline) and allows the Mexican government to cut subsidies to PEMEX for investment in alternative fuels projects and the state electrical grid upgrades.

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Give em time. They'll be gobbling up the alternative energy firms and just become an energy cartel.

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So like getting others to do all the work, and then they swoop in and get all the money? I hadn't thought of that, but that does sound typical.

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