I gotcha; I would have liked to have personally paddled the kid who constantly taunted my daughter in sixth grade.

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Staring at my sandals, that's a paddlin.' Looking out the window, that's a paddlin'. Paddling the school canoe.....you better believe that's a paddlin'.

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boehner vs. trump: orange off.

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Well Olney is near Wichita Falls and Wink is in West Texas, which are solid red counties and love, love, love Rick Perry. Ennis is just a town full of Baptist assholes who have a real problem with a president with the last name of Obama.

And to the downfister who is monitoring my activities: want to come over for dinner at my home in Austin?

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Spare the rod, interrupt the orgasm.

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The first debate of the 2012 election cycle will be the "The Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump."

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"9/11!" and "Sanctity of marriage!" are feeling neglected this year.

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Until they realize that he's just doing this for publicity.

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Whatever did your principal call his penis?

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Heh...the state that brought us "No Child Left Behind" now brings us "No child's behind left alone".

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Only if I can go as your bodyguard.

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I believe school districts that allow corporal punishment also allow parents to opt out of having their kids paddled. Therefore the kids who might need it are unlikely to get it while the kids of meth addicts who can't be bothered to read the forms are another story.

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What's wrong with making the disrespectful athlete run laps until he/she throws up and convulses?

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Twenty-six percent thought they were being asked who would be most likely to pay for votes.

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Texas, as always, is leading the nation as we go down the road as a failing civilization. USA, USA!

Donald Trump? Really? The party that has given us Nixon, Reagan and Bushes think The Donald is their best choice? At least they’re consistent.

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