It's finally Friday!! And I still hate those fucking assholes!

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That isn't what I said.

It's how things are done right now and because you want things done RIGHT NOW, that's how you have to play. The US just dodged a far-right dictatorship- it's wounded, hobbling and there's work to be done to fix that, right this minute.

Or, you can stamp your feet, have everything screech to a halt and demand the entire apparatus be changed to suit your tastes, instead of doing what AOC et al are currently doing and working within the system to open doors and let down ladders for more people like them, which takes grit, determination and TIME.

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Just as long as you trust the party of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell to act in good faith and voluntarily choose to follow the same rules once they're back in power. https://media4.giphy.com/me...

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How is it over the course of SIX FUCKING YEARS Leahy never figured out exactly what Republicans were doing with Obama's nominees? It's as though the primary qualification for a Democrat to serve in the Senate is STUPIDITY.

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Dear Dick and Joe:Pack those courts or pack your suitcases.

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A very good metaphor.And while on the subject of bears clawing your face off, I recommend old Kipling's grim poem, "The Truce of the Bear.""Pay, and I put back the bandage. This is the time to fear,"When he stands up like a tired man, tottering near and near;"When he stands up as pleading, in wavering, man-brute guise,"When he veils the hate and cunning of his little, swinish eyes ... "I've said it before, he was a fucking racist imperialist but he could really write, and he knew fair play is wasted on ruthless treacherous bastards.

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You know, there are certain aspects of the Senates informal traditions that, if properly regularized and codified (i.e., made permanent by Amendment) that could serve as means for the legitimate defense of the rights of actual real-life minorities, dissenters, and cranks of all persuasions.

A certain amount of consensus on judicial appointments, taking due consideration of local sentiment, seems one of them.

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Do 20-something socialists take J.D.'s? I understood them to be all Lit and Philosophy students. Intersectionality rules!

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Democrats must fight like Republicans. Use every tool at their disposal. Anything less is capitulation because the Republicans sure as fuck will not recognize decorum or precedent unless it suits them.

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Or it could be, yanno, that Dems are just the Good Cop to repugh Bad Cops. One will butter you up while the other will beat you, but in the end, neither one has your best interest at heart.

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Lots of Lit and Philosophy majors go to law school. It’s generally that or a vow of poverty.

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Mitch McConnell is offering a unique opportunity to win a Range Rover.

All he requires is that Wonkette adopt a rule that blue slips any non-comments of which he disapproves.

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Guessin' the History and PoliSci majors who are really into the law generally displace the careerist post-mods.

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Ta, Jamie Lynn.

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End the goddam filibuster, do the right thing legislatively, then dare the GOP to undo it. Tattoo that on everybody's forehead.

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Where am I "stomping my feet and demanding" fuckall?

I'm suggesting we imagine a better system and think about how we get there. Yes, we just survived a shitshow and now Democrats have a fair amount of power and an opportunity to demonstrate what can be done by a competent government that cares about people. Are we all exhausted? Fuck yeah, but we may have as little as 2 years and we best make use of the time.

Stop arguing with the straw men of your own making. When someone on the left side of the party wants to engage in a dialog about it's future we're not "stomping our feet and demanding our way 100% of the time" ...we're asking to be part of the discussion within the party we helped build and elect. Challenges to the status quo are healthy and normal.

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