OK, so I just whipped up a Boehner: 1.5 oz rye whiskey, 1 tsp smoked sea salt solution, and orange bitters.

You will not be surprised to hear that it wasn't very effective.

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Aw... poor McTurtle and Orange Man. Being in charge is soooo hard! Mayhaps if they could just keep the nutter butters in their own party in check things would be easier. Oh well, having to kiss the dem's asses is so much more entertaining for us!

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right up until the repthugs are in the minority, then of course it's the only thing saving FREEDUM!

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Tuttt, tutt, you turtles!

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Say what you like about the slightly less lunatic wing of the Republicans, at least it's an ethos...

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Only slightly OT, but our friends down under are suffering from a similar plague of conservative fucknuttery. Instead of Homeland Security, what's being held hostage in Australia is funding for their research centers. All of 'em. And unlike here in the USofA, where the employees of Big Gubmint know that the Teabaggers are born losers, and patiently wait out whatever crap is visited upon them, scientists down there are saying "fuck this shit", and bailing out and finding other jobs:http://www.theguardian.com/...If anyone has a good snarky term for Aussie conservatards (they didn't have a 'Brisbane Tea Party', so we need something more Oz-propriate), let's have your suggestions. Operators are standing by, so call now!

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With the proverbial rusty chain saw.

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I wonder if Nancy makes them address her as Godfather?

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Bloody Boehner.

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One of the greatest "Last Supper" scenes ever, from those long-ago days when you wouldn't have a milllion butthurt Xtards tweeting their outrage.

Fun trivia: Robert Altman, after complaining that "There’s just too much stuff in this 45-year-old brain. I can’t write anything nearly as stupid as what we need," told his composer, Johnny Mandel, "All is not lost. I’ve got a 15-year-old kid who’s a total idiot." So Michael Altman, at age 15, wrote the lyrics. It took him about five minutes -- and earned him over a million dollars in royalties.

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Post-Diebold syndrome, I reckon.

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Democracy inaction in action.

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For something that they would really find insulting, you could call them "Americans."

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Fifty Shades of Turtle....or Orange - you pick.....

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B&D - Bourbon and Derpination

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Are RINO horns still aphrodisiacs?

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