As a Marylander, this makes me mad! Though I'm in state district 5 and MOST of my Reps are Republican weirdos. I keep writing to the MD Democratic Committee and they won't answer. Justin Ready runs unopposed and some national Democratic Party person said you'd, and I quote, 'have to be really brave or crazy to run out here'. Sign me up, if Marj & Boebert can win, why can't I(also, I'm very liberal, but I'll pretend otherwise if that's what it takes.

On a side note, way back in 2017/18, I went to a meeting and they had this project Cuckoo idea, and now I'm wondering if the Republicans decided to try the same thing....ugh.

Vote for me against Justin Ready in 2027!

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Didn’t she pull the plug on her mom and then brag about it?

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It is my understanding that the word woke was originally used by Black people to describe the point at which they individually saw the pervasiveness of the white supremacy around them. And possibly the related gender and class discrimination.

Conservatives who appropriated and twisted the term for their own use can just throw it at anything they don't like. But it seems like actually defining it without mentioning the systemic white supremacy they are denying leads to the kind of tortured description she used. Same for the related laws they want to pass.

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Yep, liberals want to “create hierarchies of oppression,” whatever that means. We SEE oppression, we recognize it. We know it’s real and it’s unacceptable. Maybe that’s what she means. If being woke is being compassionate about the injustices in the world and respecting all people, ok. Woke me up!

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What's so hard about defining woke?

It's Political Correctness before the words lost their impact through overuse.

Oh, Bethany? It's DEI now, because woke has lost its impact through overuse.

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A homeschooler on a school board? Bethany is ready for the junk pile of history, and the sooner the better.

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I’ll define “woke” for her, from her perspective: “woke is anything that makes insufferable buttholes uncomfortable. Respect for all people, however different? Woke. Refusing to accept that “God” made a penis-man and a vagina-lady and THAT’s IT! Woke. Finding Dave Chappelle to be unfunny and confining his “jokes” to trolling liberals. Woke. The opposite of asleep. Woke.

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It's a big honking red flag when someone who homeschools their kids wants to run for school board. Are they automatically evil? Of course not. But you better dig deep into their history before casting that vote.

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As Davis pointed out, she’s got no dogs in this fight but she wants to guide others? She’s a crazy attention seeker and a lying liar. When you have RWNJ views and the RWNJ endorsing her she’s a Rethuglican. Apparently she didn’t graduate or has she doesn’t have a lick of sense if she thinks others can’t see through her BS.

I hope she comes in last on this vote.

Gotta wonder what her next grift will be.

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Just got home and checked the Education district map. THIS IS MY DISTRICT!!!

I’ll be keeping an eye out for that nice Shebra lady’s campaign, I gots some volunteering to do!

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She homeschools, so she's worried about other peoples' kids being indoctrinated. A classic busybody.

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"I was all set to define woke since I wrote a whole darned grifty book about it but then I panicked when I remembered I was still a victim of the left and that it was okay to revert to blaming everyone and everything else for every single one of my misfortunes and missteps in life.

Hallelujah and thank Babby Jeebus that all 7 of my spawn (even the one still baking from inside my holy womb) got to witness my maudlin and perverted sense of self-induced indignation replayed over and over again for days until I maxed out my sympathy card and had to wait for it to recharge.

Drusilla, Maleficent, Obadiah, Zebedee, Zipporah, Zoobeedeedoowoowoo, and Mahershalalhashbaz (in utero until after the hardest stage of pregnancy-- the transition phase where I transition from a merely pregnant kookoo to a gettin' mighty close to poppin' this sucker out anywhere's at home I feels like!) all got a front row seat to my tradwife narcissism and hypocritcal need for attention. I just hope they learned something."

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This woman obviously has personal problems, for which I sympathize.

However, I think she should concentrate more on resolving those problems and less on telling the rest of us how we should be raising our kids.

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also, she basic.

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I'm not so charitable in my take why she's homeschooling. that lot generally wants to isolate and indoctrinate like a family is a cult.

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<< I … This is going to be one of those moments that goes viral…. Woke is something that’s very hard to define >>

You mean, it's hard to define without saying or implying "it's whatever I need it to mean when I want to rile up the rubes by giving them something to sneer at."

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