America needs two functional political parties but the GOP is on track to destroy their own party and it will take a generation to recover

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in the fan fiction version of reality, Trump wins candidacy and the Dems roll every R whose name is on the ballot. He keeps winning candidacy because the R's are too stupid/craven/insane to get rid of him and the D's remain in power long enough to outlive all the old racist and homophobic RWNJ and prove the country runs better without the R's

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And the world lived happily George McGovernily forever after!

I like yer style Granny, but have you ever known Democrats to be incapable of snatching defeat from the very jaws of victory?

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Hangin' with Mr. Cooper was the best. So is Oakland.

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I'm looking forward to seeing "Aida" Hutchinson in action during the debate.

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Ta, MM. So, the primary debate is Wednesday. minus the lead asshole. Pass.

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Had not seen her for quite awhile. She's had good work done!

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“But it costs us less money when you “bank your vote” early because we are not chasing your vote until Election Day. […] This is just critical.”

Ronna, you are the weakest link, goodbye.

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Is Ronna somehow related to Mittens? I forget.

Also, I want to congratulate those Fox anchors on a degree of unanimity and consistency of message that you never see outside of dictatorships or books like "1984."

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North Korean anchors look at Fox hosts and say, “damn, have some dignity.”

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Instead of DPRK we have DRP-KKK

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He's her uncle.

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So...the expression: "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle" traces back to Utah?

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Or Michigan. Or maybe Mexico, where George Romney was born.

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To be fair, George Romney was pretty good. A liberal Republican, he was a very popular governor in Michigan. My folks really liked him.

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I've got no beef with him. I find it odd that the party keeps ignoring native-born requirements for presidential candidates, though. McCain was eligible because he was born on US soil in Panama, not so much George or ted cruz.

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Shhhh! She’s not allowed to acknowledge him in the presence of Dear Leader.

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My nephew lives there and he thinks it is more than 1,000

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I think that felons SHOULD be allowed to be in Congress, Senate, etc. Committing a felony should not strip a person from voting or running for office, and they would provide a unique voice on the carceral system in this country. And how many times have we seen people wrongly convicted of murder, much less lesser felonies?

HOWEVER. I think it SHOULD be disqualifying when the felonious conviction is for anything related to election fraud, bribery of public officials, misuse of campaign funds, etc. I'm talking about "simple" felonies - Did you know California has a felon vandalism statute? If you want to exclude those convicted of personal injury felonies, I'd probably go along with that, too.


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I will just throw my 2 cents plus "treason and sedition" on the pile of ineligibility crimes.

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Of course!

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Re Early Voting: I got this weird ass "survey" from some Xtian group. The lead question was about Early voting (a venal or mortal sin). It got weirder after that.

I threw it out, but now I'm tempted to fill it out and try to mess with their results.

(Not really, I don't want anything else from them to show up in my mailbox)

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"I've said many times, Jon, I would have preferred that these matters be left to the judgment of the American people. "

I've got good news, Mike. They used grand juries. So it was left to the judgment of the American people.

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I, for one, will not be watching the televised sh*t show the GQP calls a debate.

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I enjoy this kind of thing, and since it is no longer ethical to do it with chimps, I will indeed be tuning in.

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The only thing anyone cares about are the zingers, and we'll get those the next morning.

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Mrs Don't and I will be. If only to watch them avoid policy discussions by bitching about wokeness and Barbie movies.

That reminds me though: make sure we have plenty of booze in stock.

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Do NOT make "woke" or its derivatives the take-a-shot word.

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That would be fatal, for sure. "Policy" might be safer.

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It's usually kind of fun around here for live-blogs of such monstrosities.

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I for one hope and pray tangeranus turns himself in right at the beginning of this farce they are calling "debate".

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And then is denied bail and has to stay overnight.

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"But it costs us less money when you “bank your vote” early because we are not chasing your vote until Election Day."

That's the key. With most of the GQP's grifting going to paying Defendant Trump's and his co-conspirators legal bills or to making sure drag shows are never performed within twelve miles of an abortion clinic or whatever the latest culture war they have going is, there just is no money left for GOTV.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

Well, it’s not like they’re suggesting that Trump be allowed to, you know, VOTE if he’s convicted, just serve as President of the United States…

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