Clearly, the Wonkette kitty did not the get memo that cats don't like water. She's all about that underwater exploration and the treasures found therein. Find out more about snorkeling and it's history here:
I agree that it should be "Jones's Ferrari", but common usage and style now has it as "Jones' Ferrari." A great deal depends on which style book you use or were raised on.
I actually did know that! Sometimes my spell-check takes over and, shrug emoji. I do compose these little pinned comment blurbs on the fly so I admit they are not as well-edited as they otherwise might be.
And I hate that, my phone routinely corrects we'll too well. Bad enough being an OCD copyediting fool but when the entire weight of the digital world is stacked against one? Fehgeddabouid!
Speaking of the kittehz, I just read this and it's quite interesting. And what you all suspected is likely true: THEY CAN SEE A THING THAT ISN'T THERE!
''What Cats’ Love of Boxes and Squares Can Tell Us About Their Visual Perception''
Having watched Cat the Ripper focus intently upon that which I can't actually see ANY sign of on a number of occasions I'd already determined that to be the absolute truth.
Felines have a "unique" perspective on this world.
I respectfully request people stop sharing their comments to Notes unless you really want to duplicate your comment. Part of the problem is it also repeats the story. I think many just don't realize that's what the "Share to Notes" does. So you see the same Wonkette story reposted over and over. It is filling up the Notes with stuff that's already here. So it makes that section hard to use for anything else but a duplicate comment section. It would be nice if Notes could be different than something we already have. Thanks, just trying to make this work for all of us.
"Margarine’s district basically still exists because of the New Deal and the Great Society."
For a second I thought this would be about the history of margarine as a butter replacement during the Depression, which is an interesting story and the sort of thing that ends up as a tab :)
My favorite margarine fact is that the Dairy Board got the FDA to require margarine not be colored to look like butter when it was first released, so the makers included a dye packet in the tub for you to mix in yourself.
I can't believe Sanchez called for a snap election IN AUGUST when it's too hot to think and the entire country is on vacation. That in itself would've royally pissed people off.
Most of the research on drugs is already paid for by taxpayers through organizations like the NIH. Big Pharma has been scamming us for years and it needs to stop. We need to get rid of Sinema and have a real majority in the senate and house.
>We’re still doing memoirs from people who haven’t done anything huh?<
A friend's niece wrote her "memoir" when she was 20 and self-published it. As I'd known her since she was a baby, I didn't have the heart or inclination to read it, but I understood that it was all about clearing her head of difficult family stuff, which had been excessive.
Anyway, it seems to have worked, as she has developed into a marvelous person who teaches inner city kids, is married to a lovely woman, and they have just had the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my life.
I understand the writing-it-out part, but I don't get the need to publish an autobiography so early in life, unless you've been asked to detail a relatively unique experience others might benefit from hearing.
I didn't delete mine because there are a couple of other sites I occasionally visit that also use Disqus for their commenting system. But (again, curious) are you worried about leaving an internet trail? or is it something else, and I haven't thought of it yet.
Palmer blocked me on twitter because I reported him for saying something really wrong and he had to take his tweet down, he figured out it was me because there was little interaction with Wonkette writers that set the whole thing off. I used to like reading him but he just talked a lot of bullshit and it got annoying.
I agree. He is as flawed as any of us. I appreciate his analysis 90% of the time, but I absolutely dislike how he keeps claiming that he MUST be 100% correct.
From my gut feeling statistics, his predictions are more often correct compared to the competition, but I totally agree: he comes over arrogant and extremely "sensitive" when it is about Big Mr. Palmer himself making mistakes. Nonetheless, he was like the only source I remember who attacked the "big red wave coming" last year before it even started, and he kept pushing people constantly to "invest" in the tight races, those that in the end made a difference. He got that one really close to 100% correct.
But I hear you, I avoid asking him pesky questions (as I value his twitter threads to be "all I need", most of his articles are just click bait summaries of previous threads).
Clearly, the Wonkette kitty did not the get memo that cats don't like water. She's all about that underwater exploration and the treasures found therein. Find out more about snorkeling and it's history here:
"it's" is only used as the contraction of "it is."
But typographical pedantry notwithstanding, superb animation today!
See, I disagree with the pedants... what is the possessive of "it"?
If it possesses a thing, is it not it's thing?
It is its thing.
Yes, English can be confusing.
You can help your Uncle Jack off a horse, or you can help your uncle jack off a horse.
We try hard to follow rules of English to avoid such confusion. We are not always successful.
o.k. that is just a brilliant response.
Now I am going to go eat some shoots and leaves while I contemplate the mysteries of Engrish.
Or be the panda that eats, shoots, and leaves.
I mean, keeping up with the Joneses is one thing, but if you are keeping up with the Jones's Ferrari, you gotta MASH that gas.....
I agree that it should be "Jones's Ferrari", but common usage and style now has it as "Jones' Ferrari." A great deal depends on which style book you use or were raised on.
I actually did know that! Sometimes my spell-check takes over and, shrug emoji. I do compose these little pinned comment blurbs on the fly so I admit they are not as well-edited as they otherwise might be.
Thanks for the compliments!
Most deserved!
And I hate that, my phone routinely corrects we'll too well. Bad enough being an OCD copyediting fool but when the entire weight of the digital world is stacked against one? Fehgeddabouid!
Look out for Rapture Of The Deep! (And carnivorous mermaids.)
Not to spoil a surprise, but I think you are going to like another one of the Tab gifs this week. Stay tuned... ;)
Who else tried dragging the kitty to the tabs?
Allow me to introduce Nathan & Winnie the Beach Cats. They live down under so perhaps things are different there.
From my reading, cats do like water, they just insist on exploring it on their terms, not ours.
The can had me Snickering
I liked the Jelly fish.
As I was finishing up the animation on this, I told my husband that I know how to go for cheap laughs ;-)
A cheap laugh is still a laugh
A good laugh is always worth the investment.
...which we are MORE than willing to provide.
Looks like the makings of a fun child's video game!
Speaking of the kittehz, I just read this and it's quite interesting. And what you all suspected is likely true: THEY CAN SEE A THING THAT ISN'T THERE!
''What Cats’ Love of Boxes and Squares Can Tell Us About Their Visual Perception''
Having watched Cat the Ripper focus intently upon that which I can't actually see ANY sign of on a number of occasions I'd already determined that to be the absolute truth.
Felines have a "unique" perspective on this world.
LOL, cats is weird.
"Later, Jacques Catsteau would invent the SCUBA."
We had a big floofy Tuxedo cat that would put his whole head underwater to look at the goldfish in our patio pond, we named him Cousteau.
On the next episode of 'The Underworld Water of Jacques Catsteau,' our intrepid diver will search for the elusive Forward-Walking Crab.
"By this time, my lungs were aching for air."
At least she showed enough sense to swim right past those canned clams.
Those were a nice touch :)
OMG I still haven't shipped your package!
LOL don't worry about it, I had forgotten all about it :)
I'll get it out together this evening and shipped tomorrow. Probably.
Always an up fist for The Beatles.
We need a real cute sea lion gif.
NOT Sam.
Was that the guy who would argue with anybody/everybody about every subject?
the Elon mush magnet
Wonder if he made it over yet.
Was he still around?
No, but I wonder if he is still trying.
I hope the shields hold.
Can we connect crypto, a lack of Bitcoin profits and random betting on hamster races?
Yes we can.
I respectfully request people stop sharing their comments to Notes unless you really want to duplicate your comment. Part of the problem is it also repeats the story. I think many just don't realize that's what the "Share to Notes" does. So you see the same Wonkette story reposted over and over. It is filling up the Notes with stuff that's already here. So it makes that section hard to use for anything else but a duplicate comment section. It would be nice if Notes could be different than something we already have. Thanks, just trying to make this work for all of us.
Re: Barbie posters, I think the lower right is the most honest when it comes to conservative men.
What are you saying? That when the government invests in stuff like infrastructure it has a ripple effect? But...but... reagonomics!
"Margarine’s district basically still exists because of the New Deal and the Great Society."
For a second I thought this would be about the history of margarine as a butter replacement during the Depression, which is an interesting story and the sort of thing that ends up as a tab :)
My favorite margarine fact is that the Dairy Board got the FDA to require margarine not be colored to look like butter when it was first released, so the makers included a dye packet in the tub for you to mix in yourself.
My mom remembers having to break the die packet and smoosh it around the bag (bag!) of margarine.
Well, Spain looks like a hot mess. Dios mio!
I can't believe Sanchez called for a snap election IN AUGUST when it's too hot to think and the entire country is on vacation. That in itself would've royally pissed people off.
Please let Barbie: Set It Off be the spark that causes women finally to nuke the system of toxic patriarchy in America.
Ken Paxton’s far-right billionaire backers are fighting hard to save him | The Texas Tribune
Big Pharma Frantically Trying To Stop Medicare Price Negotiations | Crooks and Liars
Most of the research on drugs is already paid for by taxpayers through organizations like the NIH. Big Pharma has been scamming us for years and it needs to stop. We need to get rid of Sinema and have a real majority in the senate and house.
>We’re still doing memoirs from people who haven’t done anything huh?<
A friend's niece wrote her "memoir" when she was 20 and self-published it. As I'd known her since she was a baby, I didn't have the heart or inclination to read it, but I understood that it was all about clearing her head of difficult family stuff, which had been excessive.
Anyway, it seems to have worked, as she has developed into a marvelous person who teaches inner city kids, is married to a lovely woman, and they have just had the most beautiful baby I've ever seen in my life.
I understand the writing-it-out part, but I don't get the need to publish an autobiography so early in life, unless you've been asked to detail a relatively unique experience others might benefit from hearing.
None of us understood it either, and I think the general silence around it made it sink beneath the sea.
OK I'm all in. Deleted my Disqus account.
I'm curious - why delete the account?
I didn't delete mine because there are a couple of other sites I occasionally visit that also use Disqus for their commenting system. But (again, curious) are you worried about leaving an internet trail? or is it something else, and I haven't thought of it yet.
I don't use any sites that have Disqus so I don't really need it .
I wish we could down load our Disqus history, including replies to our own non-comments :(
There are people who pay good money to get slapped by confusingly attractive people.
I know, it is Palmer, but still a very nice cute summary of where Trump is right now.
Palmer blocked me on twitter because I reported him for saying something really wrong and he had to take his tweet down, he figured out it was me because there was little interaction with Wonkette writers that set the whole thing off. I used to like reading him but he just talked a lot of bullshit and it got annoying.
I agree. He is as flawed as any of us. I appreciate his analysis 90% of the time, but I absolutely dislike how he keeps claiming that he MUST be 100% correct.
From my gut feeling statistics, his predictions are more often correct compared to the competition, but I totally agree: he comes over arrogant and extremely "sensitive" when it is about Big Mr. Palmer himself making mistakes. Nonetheless, he was like the only source I remember who attacked the "big red wave coming" last year before it even started, and he kept pushing people constantly to "invest" in the tight races, those that in the end made a difference. He got that one really close to 100% correct.
But I hear you, I avoid asking him pesky questions (as I value his twitter threads to be "all I need", most of his articles are just click bait summaries of previous threads).
"Slavery and the wonderful white people who ended it". If only all those Black people hadn't enslaved themselves we wouldn't have had this problem.
How are the actors in Barbie "confusingly" attractive? They seem pretty straightforwardly attractive to me but maybe I'm a weirdo.
The men are also attractive. That's the confusing part for conservative dudes like Shapiro.
It's because a whole bunch of conservative pundits are self-loathing pillow-biters.