Um, we knew this already. Better check the batteries in your snarkometer...

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You spent more time on her than she deserves - or can comprehend.

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Then you have very low standards.

I'm sorry for you.

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And I feel the need to (once again) relate my friend's story. She was taking her mother with cancer for treatment. Protesters called her every name in the book and her ailing mother as well, because yes, there were abortions provided by SOMEONE ELSE in the same building.

Some effing Xtian compassion there, folks. Good job. Fuck you.

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Nope, sorry, you don't make something go away by ignoring it. I hear this all the time, and it's bullshit.

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Merde. She sounds.... special.

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I'm clutching my pearls here! ;-)

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On the 4th one, you forgot "made in a foreign country by people being paid about 50 cents/hour"....

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If I could knit (dismal failure, here), I'd knit and mail her one of these hats.


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I wish I hadn't looked at this....

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Story of my life!

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Dear Bristol, The people wearing pink, "pussy hats" in the marches were not dressing as vaginas. We were dressing as cats. Could you not see that the hats have cat ears? Or do you not know what a vagina looks like? You see, Pussy is a word for a cat. It is ALSO a slang word for a woman's genitals. (Pussy hat rhymes with pussy cat, in case you're still not getting this.) The pink hats were a strong, visual statement that women are reclaiming that word and reclaiming our bodies. Because despite what our president thinks, our private parts are NOT up for grabs.

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Intellectual curiosity is not on the Palin family crest.

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You're right. I just kinda posted it off-the-cuff. If I had put more thought about it I would have said that she refers to her lady parts as Aleppo... it would have made the joke more current, and then I could have worked in a line about the many different men who have knocked her up so far via a reference to the multiple players currently bombing Aleppo... but it's too much work, frankly. We're talking about Bristol Palin are and she isn't worth the time or the energy. Thanks for the feedback, though.

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Nope - she's neither warm nor deep.

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Because this new political era has become one perpetual "Celebration of Anti-intellectualism"

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