"I'm so tired, tired of playing the game..."

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Von Sternberg knew what worked best with Dietrich's pale visage and he lit her in such a way as to make her face literally pop from the screen. She always seemed to literally glow from some inner light. As a result she demanded that kind of lighting no matter who was behind the camera.

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She really was a force of nature, wasn't she?

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You should know.

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The script may have La Bessiere offering her champagne, but that's clearly a martini glass and I was surprised you didn't call attention to it.

As for the victim of her kiss, it seemed she died a little death right there on the screen. I know I would have.

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It's probably a coupe glass, popular before flutes became de rigueur.

As for the kiss, holy heaven and hell!

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The origin of a bust myth that it's based on Marie Antoinette's breasts.


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Yeah, myth is the appropriate word, thanks so much.

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Marlene Dietrich emanated absolute sexiness in every context.

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"Old School" European sexiness is the best.....

q.v. Pola Negri....


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Louise Brooks has entered the chat.

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Wow. YES.

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I am going to HAVE to see this!

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I love HOT VOO!!!

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I knew we were in trouble when I saw a lady in man clothes, but I did not know how much trouble! Are we banned in pennsyltucky now?

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A tip of the hat - (enthusiastic applause) - Awards: The Entire Internet Most Magnificent Award!

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I likes me a dame in a well cut suit that smokes and drinks!!!

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Hard to find a suit like that.

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Hard to find a gal like that, also, too!

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Not really, "gal" may be misleading you......

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Probably Travis Banton designs (not 100% certain though), pre -Edith Head anyhow.

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Hot suit!

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I am none of those things. I hope that doesn't make us enemies.

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It won't.

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Did the guy who set the fires in Canada blame it on Jewish Space Lasers? Because that would be on-brand for a true conspiracy whack-a-loon.

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AI George Carlin is exactly the kind of thing the real George Carlin would have warned us about.

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If the Supreme Court rules that the 14th amendment doesn’t apply to Trump because of “political violence,” what’s to stop them from applying the same rule to the 22nd amendment? Especially given how Baby Hands keeps making comments about how he deserves a “do over” of his first term because of how mean everyone was to him.

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"Finnish baby boxes"

In contrast with American baby boxes, which are boxes in which babies can be abandoned. Different level of caring

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“Baby box” is the new republican definition for “woman.”

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Ah - you win the Internet

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The Balls and Strikes article was a great read, thanks Rebecca! The closing remarks are perfectly spot on.

"The main difference between those restrictions on democracy and the insurrection ban seems to be that enforcing them right now does not risk inflaming an angry mob. This also betrays some thinking common in law and politics: the idea that there is a perfect way to do or phrase something that will not incite reactionaries. There are no magic words or magic processes to prevent right-wing reaction—not passing the Reconstruction Amendments, not passing the Votings Rights Act with large bipartisan majorities, not literally defeating them in a Civil War, and on and on. The only way forward is to fight them using every tool at our disposal, which includes holding them accountable when they break the law.

Making the Constitution and the rule of law contingent on not upsetting a right-wing mob is not saving democracy. It is ceding democracy entirely."

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"Finnish baby boxes" is why they never hear the yodeling vegan babby buttholes.

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Do Finns yodel? I thought that was mostly a Swiss thing.

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I'm seeing a lot of conflicting articles re: Iowa's primary. What does Iowa signal? Nothing. First, Iowa uses a caucus. I know the writers at Wonkette have explained what a caucus is. But if you haven't been to one, it's hard to really describe the paint-drying level of excitement. It's so very long and boring. It take dedication and stamina. Second - and I can't emphasize this enough - it was buttzillarilla cold on Monday. Your lungs refuse to breath cold. You have to wipe ice off your fogged up glasses cold. Half of a small group of people who really care about politics in a small state came out in favor of the guy we already knew half of likely voters in that small state favor. See? Nothing's changed.

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See, fetus-worshippers and fake Xtians- let the Finns show how to be REALLY pro-life, and without any of the cruelty and suffering your ham-fisted ways bring.

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But the cruelty is the point.

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The article about using the 14th amendment is right on. If the threat of violence is preventing the law from being enforced, then fuck those terrorists.

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AI George Carlin sounds horrifying. If I believed more in ghosts, I'd say that's be enough to trigger George's spirit to haunt the eastern seaboard for centuries.

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Now someone do AI Rush Limbaugh.

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No need. AI is turning evil all on its own.


We’re going to have Skynet real soon.

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That wouldn't involve intelligence of any kind--artificial or natural.

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And have it spout woke mind virus ideology, like critical race theory and the imperative need for reparations.

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The things I learn through TABS.

"äitiyspakkaus" is going RIGHT into my personal lexicon.

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Somewhere in the credits for 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' was probably 'Blood drawn by Tobe Hooper'.

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There's actually very little blood in it though. It's pretty much just her thumb and the hitchhiker cutting his palm early on the film. It was aiming for a PG, but in making everything the implication is much more fucked up.

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Why we need to not give up on red states.


It appears that reproductive rights drive democratic turnout. Who knew?

Oh. Me. I knew. And I’ve been kvetching about it, and democratic candidates failure to run on abortion rights, for a while now.

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Meanwhile, in local news ...

And, of course, his only claim to any kind of fame is having an extremist podcast.

NC political candidate, who denies Nazi beliefs, will be allowed on 2024 ballot

“A Republican candidate for a state legislative seat, who denies accusations from fellow Republicans that he's a neo-Nazi, will be allowed to run for office in 2024, the State Board of Elections decided on Tuesday.

The board's unanimous vote in favor of Joseph Gibson was related not to his views but rather to his criminal record. …

One of the GOP insiders fighting said it could embarrass the Republican Party if Gibson is on the ballot, accusing him of holding neo-Nazi beliefs. Stephen Wiley, the North Carolina House GOP Caucus director, told WRAL last week that he believes that's the only reason why the Rockingham County board's Democratic members voted to put Gibson on the ballot, even as the board's Republican members voted to block his candidacy.

"Democrats decided they wanted a Nazi in the Republican primary, so that if even one person votes for him they can say 'Look, Republicans support Nazis,'" Wiley said Friday.

Gibson strongly denies that he’s a Nazi.

“I’ve never been to an NSM rally,” he told WRAL on Friday, referring to the National Socialist Movement, one of the nation’s largest white supremacist political groups. “I’ve never supported them. But I think that’s coming from my podcast because I have had them call in. But I’ve had Black Panthers call in. I have all sorts of people call in. I believe in the First Amendment.””


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The fact that Republican candidates have to deny having Nazi beliefs is not a good sign for our democracy.

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I was curious about the criminal record; turns out he was convicted of a felony in Connecticut in the '90s, but "Gibson finished his probation over a decade ago, which state law requires for people to regain their voting rights."

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