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True story: My husband grew up LDS, and his family still is. When his mom died, we inherited her "family cookbook." Which was basically just a big ring binder filled with page upon page of horrific recipes all printed out in dot-matrix. The things they put in Jello . . . Sweet Mergatroyd.

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Did you used to work for my old HR department?

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I think I am going to just point to this story next time I see some conservative Christian type har harring about liberal college students and their 'safe spaces'. Sounds like righty types need 'safe spaces' of their own

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How much you want to bet that more than half of the people who are so sickened by these rainbow flags have told at least one black person to suck it, when it comes to the confederate treason flag?

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So a "Christian" finds the rainbow flag offensive, but wasn't it her God that "invented" said rainbow? Something about a promise from God something something? I haz a confuse.

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I'm not THAT big. Plus, too many moving parts.

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It's nice every time of the year, in fact! Perfect holiday destination for these people...

Although I do remember some crazy Christians trying to plant grain there or something, so maybe we shouldn't unleash radical Christianity on Antarctica...

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My local council has been flying the rainbow flag at half-mast at the Town Hall. It's actually really helped, because even in the seething mass of hatred STILL being publically directed at the LGBTI community, it's reassuring to know what our local authorities support us.

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I'm betting that Antarctica can cope a lot better with fundie nutbags than they can with it.

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ok, so pride flag = hateful persecution against some asshole christians, confederate flag=historical & regional pride and certainly not hate and racism.

Got it

. . . assholez

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Yeah, nothing says "divisive symbol of hatred" like a rainbow.

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Hopefully it just freezes them to deat-...upvotes.

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That's the ticket !


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I think because the rainbow flag first appeared to the general public associated with Gay Pride and parades, it denotes people having self-esteem. enjoying a good time, and loving their neighbor. It's pretty clear that many Christians are against that. Some of them don't even allow themselves to enjoy life, so they get pretty riled up when anybody else does.

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Too bad the rainbow flag never flew proudly over the bloody massacre at wounded knee, or over the Japanese internment camps. That would have made it a "Christian" flag.

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