Suggested reading "Caste: the Origins of Our Discontent" by Isabel Washington. She really nails it!

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They lost. and with good reason

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Real Americans defeated the Nazis Remember that

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It was one of those times when my tongue failed me. I literally couldn't speak, not in Spanish, not in English.

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A nazi is a nazi is a nazi. Whatever you were trying to say about colorism and racism. it isn't clear to me. "Hispanic" and "Latino" are used interchangably, neither particularly well defined or always meaningful. Whether or not one particular crazed and murderous bigot with firearms would have fit the exacting terms of inclusion by some other crazed and murderous bigot isn't all that important. Nor, of whatever US-style label as to his ethnicity we clap on him.

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Some of us recall when "Nazis" were the Enemy

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Hitler was an anomaly. A charismatic man of limited intellect who just happened to be at the right place at the right time

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On the other hand, even pro-Hitler José Vasconcellos, spoke of "la raza cosmica" ... the fusion of Iberian, indigenous American, African and Asian peoples... in terms more akin to the "master race" than otherwise. His bigotry and that you find in Latin America is more cultural, color and skin tone are seen as markers of who is "in" and who "out". But not always. I was on the Mexico City metro when a "white"... i.e. north European featured... drunk shat himself, grossing everyone out. A indigenous featured, extremely dark-skinned fellow screamed "¡sucio indio!" at the drunk. A racist, or "culturist" epithet?

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Swedes? Go any farther north and now you are in Sámi and Inuit country and nobody is claiming they are Aryan Supermen..

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The parallels between Hitler and TFG are too strong to ignore. On Jan 6th, we just barely dodged the bullet,

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"Neo-Francosim" (to coin a term) is growing in Spain, and in some places, in Latin America. It's more based in cultural elitism than "racial identity" than one associates with the Nazis.

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A Nazi has the blond looks of Hitler, the physique of Goering, and the muscles of Gobbels.

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Same in Spanish, usually meaning something more in terms of "roots". The way it's used in the US is only the seventh definition in the RAE dictionary.

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It depends how you define "liberalism"... if "liberaiism" is just Capitalism, and Fascism is decayed Capitalism, then....

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This sad-ass loser had an acute case of Stephen Miller Syndrome.

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It got Gobbeled up by the other non-comments, but some of us were Goering up for it.

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