As the would-be grandfather of twins, one of whom was developing with her internal organs on the wrong side of her chest, and endangered the other one in utero, and my kids opted for a procedure to terminate the non-viable one to save the other, with a small chance of losing both, and they did lose both because life is unfair and sometimes you lose those gambles, thank you for this. The laws in most red states would not have permitted the immediate D&C my daughter-in-law received in Minnesota (given the complications, you can guess where), as a result of which, I may not have twin granddaughters, but I have two healthy, loving granddaughters three-and-a-half years apart. If there's a word in this narrative that isn't pro-life, I don't know what it is. Every single thing my kids did was with the intention and desire of having children. They were dealt a crap hand, they handled it with love and care and the best of intentions, things didn't work out exactly as they planned, but there's one party that DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THAT PREGNANCY CAN HAVE COMPLICATIONS, COMPLICATIONS THAT CAN TAKE YOUR HEART STRINGS AND TURN THEM INTO AWARD-WINNING MACRAME FORMATIONS.

About a week after we lost the twins, we happened to go see the film Incredibles 2. For some reason, the topic of that movie came up today and I reminded my wife that we had seen it. I have no memory of the film. My wife has no memory of the film. But we know we did in fact see it. Our brains were elsewhere. Tommy Tuberville is an agent of evil.

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Ta, Robyn. Mr. Potatohead (I know, I know Potato Libelz!!1!!!!11!!!!) cannot REALLY be that moronic, can he?

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Yes, and he's proud of it.

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Saying that Democrats support post-birth abortion is a blood libel.

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"What is it they want?" I believe the cruelty is the point.

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"it is entirely unseemly to call a grown man who is not a cartoon “Tommy* Tuberville,”"


I would normally never give out a person's real name, but I just did the white pages thing, and there are 130 people with this name -- and in any case, the story takes place 40 years ago, so here goes.

Years ago, we were renting an apartment from a scumbag landlord who was never around and couldn't even be reached by phone. There were several problems in a row, and not trivial ones, either -- things like broken windows, the heat going off in winter, etc.

Several of us tenants got sick of it and harangued the landlord to be more responsible, put in calls to the county housing inspector, etc.

I referenced the broken window specifically. His response, and this tells you something about how unwilling he was to step up, was, "If somebody broke your window, I would hope you'd call 911."

I stared at him saucer-eyed and said, "911 is not gonna fix a broken window in the middle of winter, Larry!"

After several more go-rounds of this, he let us tenants know that he had hired a local teen-ager to do minor repairs, and if we couldn't reach Larry himself, we were to call the handyman.

Only somewhat mollified, I said, "OK, and what's his name?"

Larry said, "Tommy Tindall."


This pretty much evaporated any doubts I might have had about the situation.

Sight unseen, you just KNOW that "Tommy Tindall" had a striped T-shirt, Radio flyer red wagon, and very possibly, a sidekick who was some sort of wonder dog.

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"it is entirely unseemly to call a grown man who is not a cartoon “Tommy* Tuberville,”"

But he is a cartoon

Or he would be if he weren't positioned to do so much evil

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"But it would be really nice if people in the more “legitimate” media could be just a little harsher with this nonsense" that'll be the day...

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I am for abortion (with votes!) after the birth - for certain evil adult Republicans.

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I hope the next time that guy has to stand next to a military officer of any kind for a photo op or whatever, the officer steps on his toes, as just a little token of appreciation for Tuber's fuckery with military promotions.

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When you think that the only thing that makes human existence “life” is the presence of a magical ghost(I.e. a “soul”) that supposed to come into existence upon fertilization, all other considerations become irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if the fetus is hasn’t developed a brain or a nervous system worth noting. It doesn’t matter if the pregnancy will kill the mother; loving mothers SHOULD sacrifice their lives for their children. It doesn’t matter if the fetus won’t make it to term because that’s still gods will and my pastor told of this time he prayed over a mother….yadda, yadda, yadda…

While most of anti-abortion dogma is born (pun unintended) out of misogyny, there is still a massive chunk of religious superstition to account for. Indeed, my switch to atheism is a huge reason I abandoned my anti-abortion beliefs. You’re not going to get a handle on this situation until you find the courage to go after religion, and I know a lot of libs are really uncomfortable with that thought.

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"You’re not going to get a handle on this situation until you find the courage to go after religion"


I, personally, have been an atheist since my teenage years.

50 odd (very odd) years later, my considered observation is that organized religion in general does far more harm than good.

However, it should be pointed out that this is one very specific subset of "religion", and in 90% of real life, it is used to cloak an agenda that otherwise would be seen as abhorrent.

No Jew on earth is trying to get laws passed against ham because THEIR religion forbids it.

It's not religion; it's fundamentalist Christianity.

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That’s the thing, growing up what I was taught about reproductive morality was never justified in terms of “we need to control women.” The anti-abortion position was always justified on grounds of substance dualism, the authority of Gawd, and sentimentalism toward infants. The sexual power dynamics didn’t become clear to me until after I gave up on the supernatural. That’s the system of “ethics” most fetus-fetishists believe they are operating on. Telling them they’re male chauvinists won’t convince them, especially as long as they think they are doing what their deities will.

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I think what people like Tuberville want is for people to believe women are monsters. It's easier to take away our rights then. And the goal here is white male christian supremacy.

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The whole thing is easier if you remember that GQP jerks fall into two categories:

the incredibly stupid, like Tuberville, Unfrozen Cavewoman, Bobblehead, Gohmert, et alia

and the ones who don't give a fuck and will say anything at any time, like Andy Barr of KY who claimed that "people" don't think $35 overdraft charges at banks are unfair, so we definitely shouldn't lower those fees to $8. Or people who will claim that Ukraine's president is a Nazi, that fetuses have heartbeats and read Chaucer at 6 weeks, that immigrants commit all the crime in America, that the 2020 election was stolen . . . . and on and on and on.

Just remember: stupid or evil.

Those are really your only two choices.

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Many years ago, I read that if one has two cats, one will be dumber than a bag of broken hammers, and the other will be EVIL. It's not true of cats. It IS true of Republicans.

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This is what I've been thinking for decades. If a person votes republican they are either dumbasses or assholes. Or both. Asses either way.

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I think of it as dishonest or willfully ignorant-which might be the same thing come to think of it.

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He's listening to the cauliflowers again. They're easily misunderstood.

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Wow. This was even worse than I thought it would be. Fucking ghoulish sickos.

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Unpossible for Tubesteak erville,,,,

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“That being said, it is deeply concerning that both Tuberville and Trump are going around telling people that it is entirely legal to execute newborn babies, because you never know who is going to hear that and decide “Hey, if it’s legal, I think I’ll go kill me a newborn baby.”” - More likely they’ll go out and kill the doctors they have been brainwashed to believe are murdering babies. Lord knows it’s happened before.

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You've undoubtedly seen the meme about how "pro-life" means that 20 kids would be graduating high school in Newtown, Connecticut this spring. The people who in fact kill children don't seem to turn out to match the profile of Biden voters.

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I actually haven’t seen that but agree with the sentiment of course. Pro-life for these people really just means pro-birth. Once outside the womb you’re on your own.

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There seems to be a subset of Republican that really, really, really wants to kill someone with a gun to see what it's like.

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And assume they'll be first on the draw...

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They are very fond of them, to be sure.

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All those guys walking around open and concealed carrying are just waiting for the moment they can whip it out and be the hero of their story.

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They just, most of them were born in the wrong century, that’s all. More’s the pity for them. And us.

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I had a friend who'd been in the Army who believed in past lives and was sure he was a great warrior in all his past lives.

Then Iraq invaded Kuwait, and we stepped in, and he was sweating bullets he was going to be reactivated.


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We’re a violent species. Which is why fewer guns is a very good idea.

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Tommy, you can come down to the NICU and find out what’s what anytime you decide you’re ready to stop fucking lying, you goddamn coward.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

It didn't take a genius to realize *why* the NICU nurses were low-key marveling at the (relative) health and size of my newborn & the baby next to her when she was in there, and it's not like either baby didn't need their specialized care. Unfortunately, Tuberville is a lot further from genius than I am, and I'm plain average

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Keep fucking that chicken, Tommy. The abortion issue is going to kick you in the ass come November.

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