If you haven't heard, Comedy Central is going to have a comedy event this weekend on the National Mall, because some of their shows are primarily rooted in political humor.
Well, the <i>Post</i> either does this or it prints<a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/428507\/charles-krauthammer-declares-a-race-war" target="_blank">Krauthammer declaring a race war</a>. Or both! Win all around. Next, it will call for war against Iran (more win!).
Geese flew away out of the reflecting pool. Therefore: Miracle!
Also, any shit to be found near Glenn Beck&#039;s head is either safely ensconced inside it, or pouring directly from his mouth.
The larger miracle was that the geese escaped before any teabaggers figured out that KFC Double-downs were ALSO mostly made from feathered creatures.
Well, the <i>Post</i> either does this or it prints<a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/428507\/charles-krauthammer-declares-a-race-war" target="_blank">Krauthammer declaring a race war</a>. Or both! Win all around. Next, it will call for war against Iran (more win!).
But if it&#039;s PETA organizing them, they might all be naked.
No, wait, I just pictured what that would look like.
Ranting lunatics demanding what cannot be = political discourse.
Witty satire exposing hypocrisy and ignorance = affront to democracy.
It can probably be sniffed out.
We may have to nuke it to save it.
Hypocrisy and ignorance = &quot;patriotism&quot;
Witty satire = &quot;treason&quot;