Geese flew away out of the reflecting pool. Therefore: Miracle!

Also, any shit to be found near Glenn Beck's head is either safely ensconced inside it, or pouring directly from his mouth.

The larger miracle was that the geese escaped before any teabaggers figured out that KFC Double-downs were ALSO mostly made from feathered creatures.

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Well, the <i>Post</i> either does this or it prints<a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/428507\/charles-krauthammer-declares-a-race-war" target="_blank">Krauthammer declaring a race war</a>. Or both! Win all around. Next, it will call for war against Iran (more win!).

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But if it's PETA organizing them, they might all be naked.

No, wait, I just pictured what that would look like.

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Ranting lunatics demanding what cannot be = political discourse.

Witty satire exposing hypocrisy and ignorance = affront to democracy.

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It can probably be sniffed out.

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We may have to nuke it to save it.

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Hypocrisy and ignorance = "patriotism"

Witty satire = "treason"

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