Like you needed any additional encouragement.

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No. He ate the food at a white house gathering of sportsball players.

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It says something terrible that of all the Cabinet heads I can think of, Perry worries me the least. Yikes!

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what would actual molecules of freedom from the US actually be made from? mcdonald's? taco bell?

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Time for another nym change.

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Eventually Fuddruckers becomes Buttfuckers, just like that prescient documentary Idiocracy.

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You like money? Wow! I like money too!

That movie blew my mind. But now it’s not funny anymore.

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Both Don Jr. and Eric feel self-conscious when you say that.

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Freedom gas and cancer-causing wind turbines. We definitely live in Orwellian Times.

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That one specifically I don't see on the schedule anymore, but we've got some similar shows I think. wcsb.org has the current lineup.

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These fuckers are doing everything they can to melt the Arctic FOR FREEDOM! Freedom for the oil companies to go up there and suck out every last drop of their precious black gold, that is. Because they're not talking about freedom for you or I, they're talking about freedom for the petro industry that owns this entire country.

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The oil belongs to you and me.

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Damn, I wish I had thought of the joke in the headline, man. I remember the commercial, man. The ad company must have used a book called “How to Be a 1960s Hippie in 10 Easy Steps,” man. Step 3 - append “man” to the end of every sentence, man.

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Cow with afterburner. That is hilarious.

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Infrastructure week's been put on old until Congress stops investigating Trump, so they might want to have those 100-year floods hold off for a couple of centuries. 'Kay?

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