West Australia? (all the rabbits)

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And he can drag Rick "Goatfucker" Perry with him.

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That may be the best thing I have heard all day

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Dear Senator Cruz,

Speaking from the nation's <i>actual</i> economic powerhouse (and, by the way, realizing that the economic power of the UNITED States is not supplied by any single state), I suggest that you might want to handle your interactions with the President in a less volatile manner.

While we have seen ample evidence that President Obama, unlike you, is not given to fits of petulance, there is always the chance that he might just get fed up one day and start closing the sweet Federal money spigot that helps so much to run Texas.

Oh, and how is that whole stealing jobs from Cali project coming along?

With all due respect, bobbert

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Just returned from Elgin where I picked up 300 pounds of organic chicken feed and, from the famous Southside Market, a pound of brisket and a half pound of jalapeno cheddar sausage. (Had tortillas at the house.)

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From what I think I know, you're right. Is there any other interpretation of the Texian war of Independence? Slavers, pure and simple.

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Ah this explains it. Ted Cruz is practicing for the big 50th Anniversary Celebration, Hoedown, and Panty Raid on the 22nd. There will be fireworks, beer tastings, and a Reenactment with period weapons. What could possibly go wrong?

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Bamz? For fuck sake, please stay the hell away from Dealey Plaza. Shit, please stay away from Texas altogether.

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This one would like to cordially invite Mister Cruz to partake of a satchel of partially hydrogenated <i>wang du rattus</i>, dusted with sea salt, if he pleases?

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I know some lovely people in TX, and it has a remarkable progressive tradition. (Barbara Jordan is my hero, and I'm pretty damn fond of Molly Ivins, LBJ, and Ann Richards too.) But the current Texas culture is wrecking Washington and royally fucking over the whole damn country. I'm sick of hearing how speshul and differunt Texas is, how it is TexasNation and so on, and simultaneously how the rest of us are not Real Americans. Fuck Texas, fuck its insane gun culture, fuck its out-of-control Christianism, fuck its forced distortion of textbooks, fuck its grotesque politicians, fuck its ego and its bullying. Other states behave badly, but no other state works so hard to force its crap on the rest of us.

Me, I got up at 5 am last week so I could catch a flight that changed planes in Atlanta so I would not have to layover in Texas. I am boycotting the place for the foreseeable future. I sent some money to Wendy Davis. If she gets elected, that 45% progressive will have spoken, and that will be wonderful. We will welcome Texas back to its proper place among the civilized nations. In the meantime: work hard, fight hard: we'll back your efforts if we can.

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...as a resident of <strong>Flori-DAAAUUUUH</strong> I cannot comment on this situation(because I am too sober)

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Ted Cruz is the clearest proof I've seen today that Intelligent Design is pure horseshit.

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paging David Vitter

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I'm not exactly sure what that means, but it sounds really bad

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"Oh, really? What are you gonna do about it, dicknose?"

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Hey Bamz. How do you know you’re winning? When they talk smack about you from a very, very safe distance.

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