First time I heard him that I remember was the Man of LaMancha revival, and I am so glad you posted him singing 'Stars', on of the best Baritone songs ever written.
I recall that when I was but a youth we would receive little calendars from insurance companies and such that listed some sort of holiday or such almost every day. Very colorful they were.
I laughed for realz at the shout-out to calendars with weird National days... I discovered a similar website and now my work group refuses to end our daily stand-up until I say "I'd just like to wish a happy National I Love My Feet Day (or whatever) to all who celebrate..."
Lots were full at the Crane Estate so I decided to check out a place I hadn't been. It's an old limestone quarry called Devil's Den. A strange place with a huge chunk of rock sticking a few meters out of the marsh and scrub. A legendary place for teenagers to hang out but my crowd never knew about it.
and fezzes, too:558437297&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS1036US1036&sxsrf=AB5stBhGbZmOnDlTKrNkuNpZzWrJG5xrlA:1692476961285&q=matt+smith+bowties+are+cool&tbm=isch&chips=q:matt+smith+bowties+are+cool,online_chips:cool+gif:b53GoPkNFYQ%3D&usg=AI4_-kT7rj2y6-I71ifAizHWTeDBSld2sw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtlMWAyOmAAxUGjYkEHX_1Cp4QgIoDKAF6BAgYEBY&biw=1920&bih=963&dpr=1#imgrc=_tYsUrBPlKH3aM
OMG I was able to eat some pizza! I think most know I am in the middle of a dental adventure, I have had all my teeth removed and am in the process of having dentures made, followed by 2 implants that they will attach to. I currently have an old upper partial denture that I can still use, mostly for looks but it helps a tiny bit with eating. I have put off trying to eat pizza because I wasn't sure I could do it and I didn't want to be disappointed. I figured if I tried it cold(can't chew the chewy melted cheese) I might be able to have some of the super thin crust NY pizza that I have been missing so much. It was messy, a little hard on my gums, and I wouldn't do it in public but I got to have that taste I had been missing for two months. Yummy! 🍕😊
That's great news Geoff. It's one step at a time, you are so right in how much commitment and real struggle is required to complete this. At any age. But we both have our eyes on the prize, a mouth that makes us want to smile.
Wow. I just realized I'm not alone! I too am on a "dental adventure", as I hope to have 20 more years of eating and smiling properly. Took the plunge 12 days ago. Now nurturing my strange-feeling mouth, and learning to speak and eat without catastrophe. Yes it certainly is a commitment, and a path of patience and perseverance. So glad I found your comments.
Fun fact about soft serve. The guy who invented it did so because all the ice cream in his ice cream truck was melting so he slashed the price and sold out in like 10 minutes.
Here's something interesting about combating dementia:
Three independent studies say that blood platelet factor PF4 prevents and reverses cognitive decline
Although the percentage of older people with dementia is thankfully decreasing, from 13% to 10% in those over 70 from 2011-2019, the absolute number of people with dementia is actually increasing. That’s because the share of the U.S. population that is 65 and over ballooned by 38.6% from 2010-2020, in large part due to baby boomers (shown in dark blue below) crossing the 65-year mark. They’ll keep on doing that until 2031, so the 65+ population will continue to grow quickly until then.
We’re still not very good at all at treating dementia, much less reversing it, but something quite intriguing was established a few years ago in a UCSF-Stanford study:
[E]xposure of an aged animal to young blood can counteract and reverse pre-existing effects of brain aging at the molecular, structural, functional and cognitive level.
And that’s great, but it sounds like something only vampires or Montgomery Burns would arrange. Blood isn’t exactly easy to get, and we already need it for plenty of other things like trauma, blood loss during surgery, kidney failure, etc.
So it’s been really important to try and figure out what exactly in young blood is responsible for these improvements in brain function in older animals and how to apply this to humans.
First time I heard him that I remember was the Man of LaMancha revival, and I am so glad you posted him singing 'Stars', on of the best Baritone songs ever written.
"I am afraid of getting a flesh eating bacteria from a Jacuzzi and losing a leg "
Well I was not afraid of this until now!
I recall that when I was but a youth we would receive little calendars from insurance companies and such that listed some sort of holiday or such almost every day. Very colorful they were.
But I thought we were to joyously partake of a hot dog on a Friday - ?
I laughed for realz at the shout-out to calendars with weird National days... I discovered a similar website and now my work group refuses to end our daily stand-up until I say "I'd just like to wish a happy National I Love My Feet Day (or whatever) to all who celebrate..."
Love BSM!!!
The Doctor Who reference almost makes up for the NKOTB thing.
"One day, while buying opium from a local dealer, Yul Brynner met Jean Cocteau and the two became lifelong friends."
OK, Wikipedia just earned its $5 from me.
Lots were full at the Crane Estate so I decided to check out a place I hadn't been. It's an old limestone quarry called Devil's Den. A strange place with a huge chunk of rock sticking a few meters out of the marsh and scrub. A legendary place for teenagers to hang out but my crowd never knew about it.
Matt Smith, the thirteenth Doctor, says bowties are cool;
and fezzes, too:558437297&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS1036US1036&sxsrf=AB5stBhGbZmOnDlTKrNkuNpZzWrJG5xrlA:1692476961285&q=matt+smith+bowties+are+cool&tbm=isch&chips=q:matt+smith+bowties+are+cool,online_chips:cool+gif:b53GoPkNFYQ%3D&usg=AI4_-kT7rj2y6-I71ifAizHWTeDBSld2sw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtlMWAyOmAAxUGjYkEHX_1Cp4QgIoDKAF6BAgYEBY&biw=1920&bih=963&dpr=1#imgrc=_tYsUrBPlKH3aM
OMG I was able to eat some pizza! I think most know I am in the middle of a dental adventure, I have had all my teeth removed and am in the process of having dentures made, followed by 2 implants that they will attach to. I currently have an old upper partial denture that I can still use, mostly for looks but it helps a tiny bit with eating. I have put off trying to eat pizza because I wasn't sure I could do it and I didn't want to be disappointed. I figured if I tried it cold(can't chew the chewy melted cheese) I might be able to have some of the super thin crust NY pizza that I have been missing so much. It was messy, a little hard on my gums, and I wouldn't do it in public but I got to have that taste I had been missing for two months. Yummy! 🍕😊
That's great news Geoff. It's one step at a time, you are so right in how much commitment and real struggle is required to complete this. At any age. But we both have our eyes on the prize, a mouth that makes us want to smile.
Much love my friend!
Wow. I just realized I'm not alone! I too am on a "dental adventure", as I hope to have 20 more years of eating and smiling properly. Took the plunge 12 days ago. Now nurturing my strange-feeling mouth, and learning to speak and eat without catastrophe. Yes it certainly is a commitment, and a path of patience and perseverance. So glad I found your comments.
You are definitely not alone, we are here for support.
Re, "A Potato In A Bowtie," Is one required to eat only the potato or must one also consume the bowtie it is wearing?
Fun fact about soft serve. The guy who invented it did so because all the ice cream in his ice cream truck was melting so he slashed the price and sold out in like 10 minutes.
Additional fun fact.
Margaret Thatcher worked on emulsifiers for ice cream, before she got into politics.
And Dairy Queen's product cannot be called ice cream, because it does not contain enough cream.
Here's something interesting about combating dementia:
Three independent studies say that blood platelet factor PF4 prevents and reverses cognitive decline
Although the percentage of older people with dementia is thankfully decreasing, from 13% to 10% in those over 70 from 2011-2019, the absolute number of people with dementia is actually increasing. That’s because the share of the U.S. population that is 65 and over ballooned by 38.6% from 2010-2020, in large part due to baby boomers (shown in dark blue below) crossing the 65-year mark. They’ll keep on doing that until 2031, so the 65+ population will continue to grow quickly until then.
We’re still not very good at all at treating dementia, much less reversing it, but something quite intriguing was established a few years ago in a UCSF-Stanford study:
[E]xposure of an aged animal to young blood can counteract and reverse pre-existing effects of brain aging at the molecular, structural, functional and cognitive level.
And that’s great, but it sounds like something only vampires or Montgomery Burns would arrange. Blood isn’t exactly easy to get, and we already need it for plenty of other things like trauma, blood loss during surgery, kidney failure, etc.
So it’s been really important to try and figure out what exactly in young blood is responsible for these improvements in brain function in older animals and how to apply this to humans.
(And there's a candidate that looks good!)
Sorry but I think that Stanford study was one of the ones that was a big fat fraud, and the reason the President of Stanford stepped down.
Wouldn't you just know it
Diane posts that list of National Whatever Days every day. Today is National Men's Grooming Day but I'm still not taking a bath.
Might as well face it, you're addicted to spuds.