Celebrate Winnie The Pooh Day By Getting Your Head Stuck In A Weirdly Large Pot Of Honey
And then send me a video!
Happy Weekend!
Today is Winnie the Pooh Day. Personally, I’ve never been a fan, because even when I was a kid I thought it was a little too insipid — but all of the other holidays that are today were way too blah or sounded gross despite probably not actually being gross. Like Soup Swap Day, which makes me a little nauseated for reasons I can’t quite put my finger on.
Anyway, your first present today is the harrowing “Welcome to Pooh Corner” Stranger Danger special.
My sister made me watch this terrible show when we were kids, though she has absolutely no memory of doing so (or is pretending not to, because of the guilt).
Today is also the birthday of Jane Horrocks, whom many of you may know as Bubble from Absolutely Fabulous …
But did you know that she is also an incredible singer? Here she is in Little Voice, the movie version of The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, a West End play that playwright Jim Cartwright wrote for her after being impressed with her ability to imitate so many other singers.
It’s so good! She’s so good!
Brenda Blethyn (who is just the best) was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for this role (her second, after Secrets & Lies, which was also very good).
OH, and speaking of people you know from TV who did some awesome work in the theater, it is Jesse L. Martin’s birthday as well! You likely know him as Detective Green on “Law & Order” (and also he’s in a new show I also like, called The Irrational), but if you are a musical theater nerd like I am, you probably know that he originated the role of Tom Collins in Rent.
The movie is obviously sacrilegious, but there isn’t another good version (audio-wise) on YouTube.
I love his voice so much and I will just never understand why he does not sing more or do more Broadway or have an album or why there was not a musical episode of “Law & Order” when Jerry Orbach was still alive in which they sang and danced together while solving the murder of a Broadway chorus girl or something (this would also have had to include Raul Esparza, even though he was post-Orbach and on “SVU,” because have you heard that man sing “Being Alive” from Company?). We were robbed, people. Robbed!
Have you been struck with a sudden urge to shower us with money and jewels? If so, we are on Substack now so you can just go ahead and click subscribe! Click click click!!
Or if you’d just like to donate just once …
You can also join our Patreon, or buy our merch. Or we’re now partnered with Martie, where you can buy snacks!
You can even send us paper checks to:
PO Box 38273
Detroit MI 48238
Talk amongst yourselves!
Okay, I just posted this on the previous post--which was our drinky post--so let me try this again.
Happy Caturday, Wonketariat! Here is the latest Penzey's newsletter with Rebecca's permission*:
Get Woke. Embrace Hope. Resist!
11.5.24 we were asleep. We were asleep to just how sophisticated their propaganda had become and just how far they could leave reality behind but still have voters believe they were telling the truth. Live and learn.
Back before Covid on days that really mattered we would jam-pack our stores with our customers by just up and giving away big $40+ Gift Boxes to the first 20,000 people or so in the door, and then smaller $20+ to the next 20-30,000 after the bigger boxes ran out.
This was gonna be our big plan for this Monday, but then emails started pouring in about just how moving the impact was of our ongoing efforts to get 1,000,000 free RESIST! bags into the Washington, DC area by the end of January. Lots of tears of appreciation. Lots of resolve. Lots of people dedicated to not giving up.
So I’m thinking we still want to do a big giveaway of boxes to bring our community of cooks together, but I don’t want it to financially handicap us from getting even more RESIST! bags to just where they are needed. So the new plan is to still do the giveaway but tie it to Gift Card Sales so at least we have some money coming in and maybe some new customers, too.
As you saw in the ads up above we have two new fun and tasty breakfast-and-more themed gift boxes. The $23.95 Woke Box, one free with every $30 Gift Card purchased, and the big $44.95 Rise & Shine Box free with every $50 Gift Card purchased. These boxes are full of great spices and fun to get and give. You will like them.
To round out this weekend’s offers we have a free $4.95 Hug Coin with any purchase. Someone you know could use a hug this weekend, maybe all of us. And to help us keep RESIST! flowing out the door, regularly $59.95 RESIST 27 boxes for just $27.95 with one box going to you and us promising to give another to where it might do good.
No coupons or codes are needed in our stores or online at penzeys.com for any of this. The $23.95 Woke Box will be added automatically when ordering a $50 Gift Card. The $44.95 Rise & Shine Box will be added automatically with $50 Gift Cards.
The back of the big Rise & Shine box is the same happy mug image as on the front of the Woke Box so you won’t miss out on any of the fun with the bigger box.
Please order online if that works best for you, but if at all possible please visit one of our stores instead. This weekend is one where cooks need to come together. There is much strength in that.
If you are ordering online please do that today if possible. This offer is very different from anything we’ve ever done. Getting a head start on getting orders out the door will help us and help you get your order much quicker. By Monday night we could well be way-way behind.
And if you can afford to, please participate. Both these boxes are just what this time needs and right now we are doing such good stuff with your money that having more of it would really help, too.
Hang in there.
We will emerge a better, stronger, more caring America for the resistance these next few days are no doubt about to set in motion.
You are strong. In that alone there is reason for hope,
*Miss Grundy, please add a note to these that you have my permission to post them, because the Penzeys are Lib Do-Gooder Friends And Supporters Of Wonkette. People keep marking them spam!
The fog seems to be lifting outside, so we're off on our errands.
Y'all mind you behave!