"We discovered that what our loyal customers wanted most was a consistent original crust with their choice of ten different toppings made to order"

See? FREEDOM! This is exactly like the Iraqis.

"So we eliminated the other crusts and concentrated on original product!"

See? FOUNDING FATHERS! I don't need to say any more here.

You need more layers than that!?

"I can recite the opening words of the Declaration of Independence by memory, I didn't need a teleprompter to do it!" LOOK OUT OBAMA!

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I guess his analysis -- "Iraq wanted democracy" -- is what passes for "deep" in Repubican circles. Personally, I'd have thrown in a little Shi'ite, Sunni internal tensions coupled with Iranian influence as key factors in Iraqi politics.

Now watch this drive.

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This guy and Tom Monaghan need to start their own country and leave ours alone.

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The people in the U.S. apparently want their infrastructure to lie in rubble for decades, too. That's why the ARRA was such a downer. Thankfully, Congress managed to keep it from being too effective.

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In what respect?

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Speaking of porn, I believe I've watched some where they go "two or three deep."

I really hope the pizza industry and the porn industry have different meanings for this, or else I may never order another 'deep dish' or 'all-meat-marvel' ever again.

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That's four layers down, we don't go there anymore.

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Hershel Jewstein's Kosher Blood Libel Moose Latkas never took off, due to copyrights.

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At least its not Six Sigma. No one should ever arm an MBA with a black belt because he understands basic statistics. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Sigma">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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Oh, those things can easily be explained by accusing you of wanting to help the terrorists win.

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Here is a clue why we are in such a mess with the financial industry, all of Bank of America runs on Six Sigma, even the branches. Remedial statistics with a little bit of process and reliability engineering thrown in for extra sparkles is not a way of running a sound business.

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And PLEASE don't omit the ranch dipping sauce.

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I think that's two and three <i>inches</i> deep.

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He had an MBA, too, which equipped him to make profoundly sensible fiscal decisions for America's future prosperity.

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<i>If they did not want to become a democracy, I do not think President Bush forced it upon them. </i>

Except that invading their country gave the Bushies access to, you know, the oil and stuff that they've been grabbing up.

In fact the A-rabs should be so thankful that we stopped Saddam from stealing their oil that they should just give it all to us out of sheer gratitude.

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Once upon a time I took my nieces to Chuck E. Cheese a couple of times a year. The number of games and "rides" that were inoperable during any of these visits do not bode well for the competency of anything related to this chain.

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